Evo Morales will visit Milagro Sala | Today you will have dinner with …


From San Salvador de Jujuy

The return of Evo Morales to his country, which promises to be a great popular festival, with an epic caravan that will accompany him to Chimoré, would begin in La Quiaca. But at the last minute, there was a change of schedule. Evo wanted to visit Milagro Sala. Then he will arrive first here, in San Salvador de Jujuy, for a meeting with the leader of Tupac, who is already generating great expectations. After the hug, he will continue his journey to La Quiaca, where another awaited encounter awaits him: will dine with President Alberto Fernández, who for his part will return from Bolivia, where he attended the inauguration of Luis Arce.

Morales will arrive in the capital of Jujuy around four in the afternoon, to go directly to Milagro Sala’s home, in the district of La Ciénaga, where the chef is still under house arrest. There they will share a ceremony of indigenous peoples.

“A part of my life stays in Argentina forever”Evo Morales said at his last press conference in Argentina on Friday. It was a time he collapsed. Those who know him say they have never seen the former president with this emotion in a public act.

Before leaving, Morales also recorded a video that will be released in the afternoon today, where he officially says goodbye to Argentina. “Exactly one year ago, Bolivia experienced one of the worst moments in its history, when in complicity with the OASSeveral power groups carried out a violent coup, “he recalls.” Under these circumstances, and to prevent these undemocratic groups from attacking the majority of the people, I was forced to resign. In these dramatic moments, I received the solidarity of my sisters and brothers of the Great Fatherland. “

“The presidents of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, have gone out of their way from the start to get me out of Bolivia alive. Without their help, the story would be very different, thanks- he, thanking the President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo.


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