Ex-combatants highlight "quotes" to soldiers accused of torture | Chronic


The Islas Malvinas (Cecim) Veterans' Center in La Plata has launched a call to investigate 18 former soldiers accused of torturing soldiers during the 1982 war. "In a landmark event, 12 years after the start of the trial, 18 of the 95 soldiers reported must be accountable." For ex-combatants of the former Malvinas, it is a transcendent milestone in the search for memory, truth and justice that they have undertaken. 37 years ago"they said in a press release.

37 years after the Falklands war and 12 years after the start of the investigation in Tierra del Fuego, the federal judge of Ushuaia, Federico Calvete, set for June and July the investigative statements of 18 former soldiers accused of torturing soldiers during the 1982 war.

"Picketing, immersing naked soldiers in icy water, burial up to the neck, clubbing with a campaign phone, beatings, badual violence and other acts torture, aggravated in some cases by a strong antisemitic bias, do justice will require the 18 soldiers "remarked the veterans center.

The case includes 120 complaints, 105 cases and 95 defendants. Cecim spokesmen pointed out that the ex-military called to question "They were part of the Infantry Regiment 5, which sat in Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, and who occupied the Malvinas at Puerto Yapeyú (Howard) post, where soldiers starved to death were killed.".


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