Exchange of greetings between the Pope and the Chief Rabbi of Rome


The Holy Father sends a message on the occasion of the feast of Pbadover. For his part, the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni, on the eve of the Easter celebrations, corresponded with the Pontiff wishing him good relations of friendship and collaboration between the two religious communities.

Vatican City

"May the God of mercy accompany you with his blessing and grant you peace and harmony." This is the message written by Pope Francis, addressing his best wishes on the occasion of the Jewish holiday of Pbadover, to the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni.

As it is written in the message "renewing on this happy occasion the bonds of friendship and commitment with the most deprived of our society, I badure you of my memory and I ask you to continue to pray for me. Chag Sameach"

For his part, Di Segni also sent his personal greetings to the pope: "On the eve of the Easter holidays – we read in the handwritten note – I thank and exchange my cordial desires for joy, serenity and health, as well as consolidation and beneficial relations of friendship and collaboration, may your prayers for good be received.


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