Exclusive details of an Argentine prophecy about the fire at Notre Dame | Chronic


By Bibiana Bryson
[email protected]

Once again, the Argentine painter and sculptor Benjamín Solari Parravicini Surprise again with his prophecies. It is 81 years ago that the seer also predicted the terrible fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, which shocked the entire world. It was the year 1938 when the artist sketched one of his usual visions in a drawing. So, through a psychography in which he specified that "Paris will be destroyed by the great fire"his work regains its validity. An impressive discovery that took more than eight decades to come, and who managed to decipher who is writing these lines, as the holder of the work of the prophet, which includes a large unpublished material, much of which remains to discover. Last Monday, April 15, a devastating fire broke out in the cathedral of the small island on the banks of the Seine, in the heart of Paris, considered an iconic monument of Christianity and World Heritage. It was consumed by the flames, without control, they destroyed the main tower and the roof of the ships in the shape of a cross, all the lights went on.

READ ALSO: An Argentinian Predicts the Fire at Notre Dame 81 Years Ago

It was as a result of this unfortunate event that the author of this note was brought to investigate the great unpublished material of the famous Argentine prophet. Thus, after an exhaustive search among the hundreds of psychographic drawings in my custody as its custodian, one of these immediately attracted a lot of attention. He literally meant an exact point crowned with the word "PARIS".

Unpublished BSP psychograph pointing to the burning tower, an exact place in Paris and the meanders of the Seine. "Paris will be destroyed by the great fire" (year 1938).


A more detailed badysis leads to an interpretation that deserved this note. In the drawing, you can see the tower on fire (needle) at the exact moment when its collapse is about to occur and below it flows the Seine, a river that divides the City of Light in two. You can even see the islands in the disaster area. At this point, another plot appeared: why was the word referring to the French capital divided and the letter "R" separated from the others? This shows that Solari Parravicini's intention was to point out something important. Surprised, the relationship immediately arose in my memory, and after collecting more information, when asked if it was the "R" of the kilometer zero rosette that indicated this point of the Gallic territory, it did not seem that the route indicated. Because there was something else that was closely related to the cathedral and the Christian faith: these were the relics sheltered at Notre Dame.

Extension of the exact location of the fire: it coincides with the zero point of the French roads and is just in front of the gate, called "Door of the final judgment".

These relics are three. The crown of thorns they brought to Christ, which was brought to Paris by King Louis of France to the cathedral; a fragment of wood from the cross that he was carrying and nails to where Jesus was crucified.

All is not literal

Although the text mentions the destruction of Paris by the great fire, it can not be stated at this stage of the events that it must be literal, because for more than one, what is detailed in the Bible is lived as the Great Tribulation is why more than one prophet predicts the destruction of the French capital by the flames.

In this context, what has happened in the most important Gothic cathedral in the world, whose translation is "Our Lady", may appear as more than an isolated disaster and indicate even more terrible events to come. Suffice it to mention that the main entrance to the cathedral bears the name of "Gate of Final Judgment", makes the soul tremble, especially for most believers. But that will remain for a next installment, in which you will be able to badyze an unpublished text of Parravicini in which the prophet makes clear reference to the time that humanity lives.

Many of the relics on display destroyed a large part of the Parisian cathedral.

The great Babylon will fall

Who writes these lines wants to clarify that the text was found attached to the psychograph that accompanies the note. Therefore, the two parts complement each other and must be interpreted as a whole and not separately. The prophecy of BPS is:


Impoliteness – Inner Shock Curse of races, families, friendships – All peace lost – I pray everywhere for degraded souls.

Pantagruélicos feast and pantry without anything – Demons in bulk – Fake beggars – Inner voices, incredulous words, laughter, dances, profaned temples – gun-sound, alcohol, degradation, degeneration, persecutions of men, lost women without blush. Children without vocations – souls without prayers – False prophets, beings revered as gods – The trumpet has sounded, the punishment is already coming – Listen to the wrath of the Lord and save your self – the time has come, the new Babylon will fall – the souls pray – BSP (year 1938).

The cathedral seen from the sky, where are indicated the main door and the location of the rosette of the zero point of France.

As can be inferred after reading, what happened in Notre Dame Cathedral is not an isolated event, as it is set in a context and in a period of time during which time produce a series of violent events, given the attacks committed. at other churches and temples in France. That the fire occurred precisely during the holy week must reflect. And if in addition we consider that other fires and profanations have taken place, the suspicion takes on a larger dimension. We must therefore consider that it was not only a material attack, it was a precise, deadly attack on the spirit of Christianity. In addition, precious works of art have been lost, precisely on the day of its celebration.

It must be understood that the great Babylon is quoted in Revelation 17 and represents the evil that crosses the nations, degrading the human being with all kinds of activities where the degradation of human virtues is the common denominator. Perhaps the right thing to do would be to see it in a global perspective in a period of time where disastrous events could happen to humanity. The great tribulation, perhaps?

All photographs, as well as the material provided, are the property of the official holder of the work of Benjamín Solari Parravicini, researcher Bibiana Bryson.

Explanations of the prophet

An anecdote that involves Silvia Kitty Carulla, the badistant of the teacher Alejandro Eruand Parravicni, in the 60s when they met in the department of Mexico Street. Already entering the conversation, Silvia asked ceremoniously for "Pelón", nicknamed Parravicini: "Can you tell us if you know the meaning of the drawings you make? Because some are hard to understand". The prophet's answer soon came: "Look, dear friend, I often see the drawing with the text after creating it and I honestly admit that I have no idea of ​​its meaning".

This badertion of Parravicini supposes that one faces something that transcends the human condition and that comes from higher spheres of consciousness and beyond any earthly compression. Therefore, the student of his work who boasts of having the truth about the meaning and meaning of their sins psychographers of arrogance. It is only possible, humbly, to try to sound them, but always in a sincere and transparent way, seeking above all the truth. It is clear that in every human area there are representatives of the opposite who work for confusion and darkness.

One must be careful with these characters because they are very harmful to their work because, in the pursuit of their aspirations and their personal goals, they corrupt and distort the message they want to convey.

BSP 's wish was that his drawings be a warning to future generations and try to change the course of events, perhaps to try to think and make the right decisions in order to avoid difficulties at the same time. humanity.


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