Exclusive: New revelations on the case of the widow and the retired woman sentenced by the courts to pay a millionaire sum



Satalia Méndez: "You have respected & # 39;

DIARIOJUNIO met with Federico Odorisio, son of teacher and widow Mónica Muñoz who faces a multi-millionaire collective lawsuit. The firstborn of the widow explained why they had been released from AFIP by the Department of Labor and Social Security of the nation after this morning in March 2015. He told the details of the conversation that & # 39; s 39, he had had with the former Guillermo Satalia Méndez, regional delegate of the Ministry of Labor, badured the defendants that they had to remain calm because they had complied with what the Ministry was asking them and that they had all to gain in the judicial plan with this record of investigation that would be a proof in favor. In addition to having thus avoided the huge fine and the embargo of the Ministry. The former delegate did not heed any complaints about the grotesque nature of his inspectors and preferred – now in light of the facts – to offer them a placebo before taking care of the actions of his subordinates .


Castro will continue to head the party until 2021

Cuba prepares a new constitution: it includes private property and accepts equal marriage

Yesterday, the constitutional reform project underway in Cuba was announced. As anticipated in several notes published in DIARIOJUNIO the revolutionary government begins to accept the recognition of private property although it is explicit that socialism remains a state policy. It is baderted that Article 5 of the former 1976 Constitution which proposed "the advance towards a communist society", which is known, is impossible in one country, will be abolished. Likewise, he will allow equal marriage, in response to the demands of the LGBT community despite the rejection of evangelical churches. Whatever the case may be, the Communist Party of Cuba will remain the governing body of state policies and considers "the irreversibility of the political and economic model".


Córdoba and April 2

A young woman arrested by narcomebado

Police personnel of the toxicology division of Jefatura
Concordia, informed this morning DIARIOJUNIO of the arrest of a woman accused of drug trafficking when she found at home 200 marijuana cigarettes, 390 pesos and elements related to the commercialization of narcotics

Economics [19659005] The decline continues

The production of the SME industry decreased by 3.9% in June

The Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises reported this morning that it is down for a second consecutive month, where only 34% of companies have increased and the use of installed capacity is dropped to 59.1%. Increasing costs, especially of inputs, services and financial services, are absorbed to a greater extent by business profitability. The higher exchange rate has favored exporting companies, but for those that do not export, it is harder to find markets.


With the speech of the storm at the G20

Macri repeated that there was "turbulence" in the Argentine economy

President Mauricio Macri closes the third meeting of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Presidents and gave the participants a speech similar to the one held at this week's press conference: "the storm" and the promise that everything will improve next year. According to the magazine Página 12, the president said: "Although the growth rate is not increasing as expected, I am sure that we will accelerate the pace of growth next year," said the chief from the State to the Exhibition and Convention Center (CEC) of Buenos Aires. Before the finance ministers and directors of the world's leading banks, Mr. Macri said that a few weeks ago we had to deal with turbulence due to external volatilities and internal factors, but we managed to cross these rough waters. "

Latest News

He was Secretary of Health and Human Development of the Municipality

He died this morning Guillermo Echenause

The Secretariat of Institutional Communication of the Municipality of Concordia that in the early hours of this Sunday the Secretary of Health and Human Development of the municipality of Guillermo Echenause is dead.His mortal remains, as he could know DIARIOJUNIO will be veiled in the Hall of the Intendants of the Municipal Palace (Miter 76, first floor) from 8 am to 5 pm The burial will take place in the municipal cemetery (Av Las Heras and Feliciano)


GUALEGUAYCHÚ : They anticipated the union of chemicals and petrochemicals

Unilever: After layoffs and agreements, more measures of force

After the 21 removals for no apparent reason and the compensation agreement with 16 of them, the conflict persists while a group of dismissed refuses to lose its source of work . By virtue of this, the secretary of the union of chemical and petrochemicals has not ruled out new measures of force in the factory of Gualeguaychú Industrial Park. He said that layoffs were not a financial issue, but a decision to discipline the workers. "Otherwise, we do not understand how they offer compensation of 180%," he said.

Special Report:

REPORT: Raúl Kollmann-Página12


Loses control: The impact of Identity theft and money laundering complaints for the Cambiemos campaigns in 2015 and 2017 is more important as it is unloaded on a social and economic situation that was already being used by Macri and Vidal. Coincidence is absolute at one point: the great reversal of public opinion usually occurs for economic reasons, and that is what happens to Cambiemos. But the spread of the falsification of identities and the possible money laundering fall on the party in power while the economy was bad

Agenda of the Costa del Río Uruguay


Celebration of friendship: Los Pericos. July 22. From 3.30 pm Club Vélez Sarsfield. Chajarí.

Feria de Sabores. July 19 to 22. From 10h to 18h Esplanade of the Port. Colón

Large chicken on the disc. July 22. From 22h Place of Multieventos. San Jose.

Feria Mucho Gusto. July 22. 11:00 to 17:00 Villa Elisa.

Music and Dance

Calls of the Decade. July 22. From 16 hrs. Departure 17 hours. Plaza Treinta y Tres. Salto

For more information go to http://dosorillas.diariojunio.com.ar/ Contact: [email protected]


FEDERATION: l & # 39; insecurity in the roads

Pirates of the asphalt: in two raids kidnapped cell phones and two vehicles

After an investigation of more than seven During the month, two simultaneous raids were carried out this morning in two buildings of the Federation of the city, by order of the Court of Guards in charge of María del Lujan Giorgio, with the participation of the force of the special groups. This is a group that is ravaging its violent acts of asphalt piracy north of Corrientes at Concordia City, on Highway 127 and 14, mainly affecting refrigerated transport trucks, according to information sent to [http://www.corrientes.com]. DIARIOJUNIO


This is not a provincial capital and therefore a sufficient lack of public jobs

Rossi says that Concordia incorporates a lot of cities that "announce the seriousness of the crisis »

National deputy Agustín Rossi (FPV-Santa Fe) pointed out this morning that Concordia, along with four other cities of the country, are the ones who announce the severity of the crises. "One is Rosario, the other is Comodoro Rivadavia, Mar del Plata, Bariloche and Concordia.What do these five cities have? These are cities of different importance. perspective of the magnitude of the number of inhabitants who have pockets of poverty and, most importantly, none has a weight of employment in the state because these are not not provincial capitals.And the use of the state, in crises, acts as a cushion, cushioning the crisis, "said the former defense minister in statements on the radio [19659058] Politics

They are convened on July 28 at Villa Elisa

Autoconvocatoria in the UCR because there are no arguments to support Cambiemos

A group of activists of the radicalism of Entre Ríos, free, beyond the lines and internal groups, activists without aspirations, Honestly worried of the Party situation, they invite the radicals of the province to summon to discuss the situation of the UCR in Entre Ríos, according to information sent to DIARIOJUNIO . The appointment is on the 28th of this month at 10:00 am at Villa Elisa and will be attended by the legendary national leader, Luis' Changui & # 39; Caseres.


Regional Economies

Crisis in Sawmills: Businessmen Debated Proposals with Political Leaders

The Concordia Convention Center held the working meeting convened by the Concordia Timber Association (CMA), the Timber Union and the Production Council, in the face of the difficulties faced by sawmills in the region and related activities. to the sector. The decline of the marketing, the rise of the energy rates and the tax pressure were the axes of the meeting, according to the information sent to DIARIOJUNIO .


Accident en route 4

Una Partner overturned near Colonia Roca

This afternoon, around 18:50, there are had a traffic accident on Highway 4, 200 meters east of Colonia Roca. A 59-year-old man driving a Peugeot Partner driving on the east-west road, for reasons that are trying to be established, lost control of the vehicle falling into the north gutter of the road, according to reports. sent to DIARIOJUNIO


Transparency in the elections

There is no irregularity in the campaign contributions of Entrejos justicialismo

Justicialismo enterriano states that there are no apocryphal names in the contributor lists for the PAS of 2017. "The financing of the campaign is absolutely genuine and is public in the archives of the Electoral Chamber ", said Guillermo Gorskin, legal representative of the Somos Entre Ríos list, according to information sent to DIARIOJUNIO .


The mayor recalled that the Council had rejected this qualification for the city

Benítez cu He issued the Concordia Pro Vida decree and called it a "personal whim"

Councilman Esteban Benítez (UCR-Cambiemos) said that the city has again made national news unfortunate The reference is to ratification by decree of the San Pact Antonio de Padua on the part of the intendant Enrique Cresto at the request of the clergy to declare Concordia City Pro Vida. The mayor argued that the decision is a "serious affront to institutionalization" given that in one of the sessions with more debate than on management, the Deliberative Council "turned its back on the project who gave his nickname to the city ", according to information sent to DIARIOJUNIO .


The Great Frente, in favor of the power of the provincial government to decide the date of elections

It is not the same as the province to govern a popular front that the neoliberalism of Cambiemos

The Provincial Office of the Great Frente Party said that these days are part of the enterriano political debate, the question of whether the Governor Gustavo Bordet must have the power to define the date of elections in our province. "Various arguments are used – it's a useless expense, some say, or that Entre Rios should be part of a national project, in which, if the nation is not won." it does not make sense to go to the province, "they said. But they remembered that the governor still had the power of the date. "Reason for spending, hides political intentions," they said. And, at the same time, they pointed out that in Entre Ríos there were no layoffs in the public sector and the health and social development budgets were expanded to cope with the situation. 39, abandonment of the national state, among other things. "Therefore, it is not the same thing that our province is governed by a base-based front, to be ruled by the neoliberalism of Cambiemos," they said, according to information sent to DIARIOJUNIO .

Forced unknown and took the glbades; the rector requires cameras and more lighting

Insecurity: at the school Gerardo Yoya, neither the bars reach

Tuesday at midnight, strangers forced the bars of a clbadroom No. 9 "Gerardo Yoya". "By Lamadrid Street forced the bars, they folded and took four or five aluminum windows with full glbades.The unfortunate thing about all this is that they broke some of the bars to take them" , said the director of the establishment, Julio Barrios, a DIARIOJUNIO in reference to the masonry that is part of the window frame that remained poor conditions. In addition, Barrios said that put wants to place cameras to monitor the corner of San Lorenzo Boulevard and Lamadrid Street, which has become an area of ​​explosions. And he recalled that for some time he has been asking the municipality for more lighting around the school.


Opinion: Nicolás Mattiauda, ​​provincial senator of Gualeguaychú (Cambiemos)

Justice must protect society, not hidden the judges

In a few days more will begin the Jury to the judge of the execution of the sentence of Gualeguaychú, Carlos Rossi, accused of poor performance and lack of convenience, after giving him the conditional release of the serial rapist Sebastián Wagner, 1 July 2016. Wagner is the one who, in April 2017, murdered Micaela García in Gualeguay

Police Officers

The aggressor was arrested

a quarrel between the l. ex-husband and the current couple of a woman

This afternoon, around 16:30, two men and a woman showed up at the post Police 2º a los gri cough One of them, a man of 50 years with a listen to injured bleeding in the armpit area. Immediately, he was transferred to Masvernat Hospital in a police cell phone. At first they appeared to be minor injuries, but then the aggravation of the same is checked because he is suffering from hemo-neumotorax. He was placed a pleural drainage tube and was hospitalized. The perpetrator, a 37-year-old man, partner of the 43-year-old woman, was detained at the city hall, according to information sent to DIARIOJUNIO GUALEGUAYCHU

GUALEGUAYCHÚ: environment

Justice recognized the autonomy of the municipality of Gualeguaychú to legislate on the glyphosate

Last week the subrogating judge of Concepción del Uruguay , Pablo Seró, dictated a temporary suspension of the order until the Federal Justice be issued on the proposal of unconstitutionality of the recently approved norm. Finally, Judge Eduardo Ferreyra confirmed the local authority and the legitimacy of the Gualeguaychú municipality to legislate on the environment, and urged the federal judge to cease his intervention.


First Trade Mission

Public Companies United Seeking Investment Opportunities In Entre Ríos

Governor Gustavo Bordet She has been meeting at the Casa de Entre Ríos in Buenos Aires with the authorities of the Advanced Leadership Foundation, and has agreed to carry out trade missions from US companies to Entre Ríos. After the meeting, Jorge Brown said that they had agreed to "carry out the first trade mission of US companies in the province of Entre Ríos". He said: "This is a very dynamic proposal, where we will bring between 15 and 25 US companies looking for opportunities for foreign direct investment in the province of Entre Ríos", according to information sent to DIARIOJUNIO


Inflation does not decrease and is close to the annual increase granted to teachers

Agmer is waiting for a call to sit down at the pay table

The local parity agreement established that if inflation exceeded 19%, the wage discussion should resume. Taking into account that the first half inflation has closed at 16%, Agmer felt that "the probability that the agreed annual percentage in the common area will be exceeded in advance is high" and therefore "there it is essential that "


Ferrando:" We do not know who will be candidate, but it could be Cristina or Máximo "

The kirchnerist groups oppose the division of elections

By a statement entitled "Political Reform: When? Because? And for what?", The referents of different groups Kirchner protested against a possible split in the elections of 2019 and asked that the debate be transferred to the parties all over the province, especially the Justicialist Party. "We understand that this prevents us from reestablishing a Peronist government in power," the document says. For its part, the reference of the group "The National and Popular", Alejandro Ferrando, declared in DIARIOJUNIO that "if the Kirchner has in the future a national candidate, we prefer that the whole list referenced to the same candidate "


Concordia's gender collectives demand an audience in Cresto

Impose state policies based on ecclesiastical, authoritarian and discriminatory impositions"

The gender concord groups demonstrated yesterday against the decree of the mayor, Enrique Cresto, ratifying his commitment and his commitment to the Pact of San Antonio de Padua. meaning, the different groups that fight for gender equality, freedom of worship, social inclusion, decriminalization of abortion, etc., ensure that the municipal leader "positions the municipality". A c moral and religious understanding that excludes the other beliefs that coexist in this society ". In this sense, according to DIARIOJUNIO they badure that the relationship of the Catholic Church with the Argentine state, "was a fundamental engine for the denial and delay of fundamental debates". In the same context, gender groups reject point 5 of the religious treaty to impose a family mode that does not include all unions and states that the rest of the points are "clear obligations of the state"


kilometer 124

Route 12: A woman and a girl died in an accident

A 44 year old woman and a girl of 9 died on Thursday, at kilometer 124 of the national road 12 near the post of the Zarate road. The serious accident occurred yesterday at noon when for reasons still unknown the Chevrolet Clbadic in which 4 people were driving, two men and two women, lost control, collided with the guardrail and gave several bumps on the shoulder. According to the information sent to DIARIOJUNIO by Ceibas volunteer firefighters, the four occupants of the car were rescued, sent back to Zarate hospital with serious injuries where eventually the two women died in the # 39; afternoon.


The motorcycle had a kidnapping order

Two young people injured in a car accident

The staff of the 4th Commissioner reported this morning to DIARIOJUNIO ] on a serious road accident occurred on Thursday evening, on Avenida San Lorenzo and Nogoyá, between a 110cc motorcycle, with two young people on board and a Ford Fiesta, driven by a 49-year-old man. According to the information provided, the occupants of the motorcycle were taken to the Masverbant Hospital with serious injuries and the vehicle was made available to the police because he made a request for damages. kidnapping by a journalist filed in May this year.

Special Report


Varisco: The Dreadful Sunset

Far from 39, be discouraged – or knowing it would be his last – Mayor Sergio Varisco redoubles the bet and presents new letters after the Radical Civic Union has suspended him as an affiliate: he says that many will have to "apologize", that he will continue in his duties and he does not rule out that he can go with a clean stamp, presided over by his mother. Meanwhile, the actions of some economic and political organizations show how they are trying to detach themselves from the municipal mayor accused of funding a narco gang operating in Paraná.


The adjustment in the province

The province started working with the nation to define the 2019 budget

Minister of Economy Hugo Ballay informed that "the draft budget 2019 considers the guidelines required by the agreement with the International Monetary Fund" The issues were addressed during the meeting with Ministers Nicolás Dujovne and Rogelio Frigerio. "The conclusion of this first meeting is that we take information and what is the working method proposed by the national government, in The Governors said that the goal is to be able to approve this fundamental instrument, which is the budget fendiendo the interests of enterrianos and each province raised it in the same way ", deepened the minister in a declaration sent to DIARIOJUNIO . And detailed that "300 billion, 200 thousand would be to the detriment of the national government and 100 thousand to distribute among the provinces


Cielo Petit clarifies the decree of Mayor Cresto

The pact of San Antonio not that n & # 39; has nothing to do with the project of "Pro Vida y Pro Familia"

The Mayor of Concordia, Enrique Cresto, has revoked yesterday by decree its adherence to the Pact of San Antonio de Padua, signed on June 13, 2016 and approved by the city council unanimously.As expected at the height of the debate in the Senate on the decriminalization of abortion , the company provoked the repudiation and anger of the opposition groups who recalled that this happened a little more than a month after the rejection of the Concordia project, Ciudad Pro Life Pro family.Now, it's true that the mayor has always been publicly in favor of "d they are lives, "the question is: what is the purpose of the revalidation by decree of this religious pact in a frustrated attempt to declare Concordia Pro Vida? For this, the councilor of the municipality, Cielo Petit, replied in DIARIOJUNIO : "In principle, it must be clear that the pact has absolutely nothing to do with the issue of the l 39; abortion, "he said. "All questions were mixed and distorted in the pursuit of a political movement", manifest


A package of measures to stop layoffs

Deputy Vallejos of the FpV proposes to recover the power of Purchase of wages [19659159] Click on image to enlarge “/>

The proposal, according to the documentation provided to DIARIOJUNIO aims to restrict redundancies in the public and private sectors. private. In addition, it seeks to encourage domestic demand by promoting local production. It allows SMEs to access credit with accessible interest rates. "To avoid collapse, it is imperative to implement expansive demand policies.We must stop the destruction of jobs.And to restore the purchasing power of the Argentineans," says MP Fernanda Vallejos [19659058] Reviews

Opinion: Hugo Presman

The Attrition of Sophisms

Macrismo He based his popularity and his electoral successes on two basic postulates: back, heavy legacy; and forward, a promising project of perpetual happiness that would leave populism in the past forever. In the bag of heavy legacy was the accumulation of complaints about the rampaging theft of Kirchnerism; the governmental arrogance of Cristina Fernández; the impossibility of freely accessing the "human right" to buy dollars; the injustice that has meant for social sectors down the social plans of people who "did not break their backs like them"; satiety for the repeated use of the official channel that interrupted the vision of Brazilian and Turkish novels; the sensation fueled by the means we were going to Venezuela; this freedom was in danger and the official media tried to end with bastions of "freedom of the press" like Clarín and La Nación. The law of the audio-visual media would prevent TN, would end with Clarin, and the population would be orphaned truthful information



ADJUSTMENT: L & # 39, adjustment to be made between Ríos is just less than the federal capital

After the meetings that the national government held with the ministers of the &. provincial economy, the adjustment comes to comply with the IMF. Although President Mauricio Macri and his officials blame "the storm", the truth is that the worst is yet to come and that is the adjustment that will slow down the economy and complicate life. As the adjustment can not do with the deductions on soy, mining and other privileges, it will do with the provinces, that is to say with the poorer. Between Ríos must resign resources for nearly 4,500 million, just a little less than the federal capital (5,147), the richest district of the country, but ruled by a macrista. Today as he could have known DIARIOJUNIO Minister Hugo Ballay and other ministers were received. The details

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