Experts insist Nicolás Maduro’s ‘miraculous droplets’ against Covid only serve as mouthwash


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s “miraculous droplets” continue to get people talking. But not because of its healing properties against the coronavirus stated by the Chavist leader, but because according to experts they only serve as mouthwash.

This was said by the president of the National Academy of Medicine of that country, Enrique López Loyo, who claimed that the antiviral Carvativir did not prevent the spread of the virus. They had already demonstrated it in January, but now the situation is getting worse amid the increase in infections and lack of vaccines the country is going through.

“We are clear on this. It is a plant compound based on isothymol that was used 30 or 40 years ago as a mouthwash, as a local antiseptic, in some cases it had a dermatological, bactericidal use, but there is no known real antiviral, use in serious investigative work, ”he said.

“There is simply a history of its use in laboratory animals,” López Loyo said in an interview and completely ruled out that the remedy Maduro promoted is an alternative to the covid-19 vaccine. “The problem here is the vaccine, we need the vaccination,” he said.

“They (Maduro’s government) establish that herbal formulations can have an adjuvant effect like infusions that accompany therapy, but they have no scientific conviction to be decreed as protectors or that they cure these pathologies,” a- he argued.

The head of the National Academy of Medicine of Venezuela recalled that the World Health Organization (WHO) establishes that there are no preventive drugs against COVID-19.

Maduro defends the effectiveness of Carvativir, an oral solution derived from thyme that would neutralize the coronavirus without side effects, a claim without scientific support. In addition, Maduro assures that Carvativir can be used preventively and therapeutically.

Maduro shows a vial of miraculous droplets.  The drug called Carvativir which claimed "neutralizes 100%" covid19.  Photo EFE.

Maduro shows a vial of miraculous droplets. The drug called Carvativir which he says “100% neutralizes” covid-19. Photo EFE.

Facebook deleted a video in which Maduro defends these “miracle drops” against the coronavirus. “Facebook, in a totalitarian and abusive manner, censored me without warning and without protest,” the Venezuelan president said at the time.

Chavismo strongman and deputy Diosdado Cabello, who said he overcame covid-19 after needing intensive care, also defended the drug’s effectiveness, which he said he used during his treatment. “Take the gothic and save your life”, recommended Cabello when airing his weekly show.

They denounce the lack of vaccines

Juan Guaidó denounced a lack of vaccines in Venezuela.  Photo: Boris Vergara / dpa

Juan Guaidó denounced a lack of vaccines in Venezuela. Photo: Boris Vergara / dpa

“SOS. Vaccines now,” said one of the posters on Saturday during a protest by doctors and nurses in Venezuela demanding vaccines against covid-19, a mobilization accompanied by political leaders and activists of the ‘opposition.

Some 150 people mobilized at the headquarters of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Caracas. “Don’t let any more patient die!”the group shouted as they walked forward.

So far, in the midst of a new wave of covid-19, the Venezuelan government has reported the arrival in the country of 300,000 doses of Russian Sputnik V vaccine and 500,000 from the Chinese laboratory Sinopharm. There are no reports on the number of vaccinated during the vaccination process which started last February.

“Today, Venezuela is facing a pandemic, an invisible enemy, and demands to save lives,” opposition leader Juan Guaidó, recognized as president in charge of Venezuela by fifty countries, told reporters. The politician wore a mask with the phrase “Vaccines now”.

Socialist President Nicolás Maduro, who retains power despite international support for Guaidó, announced that the priority in the vaccination plan would initially be doctors, health workers and teachers. The president has already been vaccinated.

Hundreds of people protested in Venezuela over the lack of vaccines.  Photo Boris Vergara / DPA.

Hundreds of people protested in Venezuela over the lack of vaccines. Photo Boris Vergara / DPA.

The NGO Doctors Unidos maintains that more than 480 health workers have died in this country of 30 million inhabitants, in which the authorities report 180,609 confirmed cases and 1,870 deaths as of Friday, a toll questioned by organizations like Human Rights Watch considers that there is high underreporting.

“Vaccines without meanness”, “No more dead” read on other banners.

Source: Agencies.


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