Experts will inform justice if Florencia Kirchner can return from Cuba to Argentina


Monday will be a key day in the situation of Florencia Kirchner, daughter of the former president Cristina Kirchner. Experts from the forensic body will badyze the young woman's clinical background and will communicate with the Federal Court of Justice 5, in charge of the trial for "Los Sauces", if you are able to travel from Cuba to Argentina.

The daughter of the exmandataria – one of the judges of the proceedings – had to return to the country on April 4, but she did not do it. Your defense, in charge of Carlos Beraldi, He gave the complete medical history and asked that he be allowed to stay in Cuba until his release. Before choosing the judges of the court, Daniel Obligado, Adriana Palliotti and Julio Panelo will listen to the report of the two doctors.

Beraldi indicated in his presentation that his client can not travel by plane and who therefore demanded that do not impose a return date, but we expect the girl to be released. In response, the magistrates of the court ordered that Florence periodically appear at the Embbady of Argentina in the Caribbean country.

According to the agency Argentine News the lawyer was consulted during his presentation on the film course that the daughter of the former president organized in Cuba, reason for which she went to this country and where she is neat for health problems. Among the information presented by the lawyer appear home where Florencia Kirchner resides during his stay in Cuba.

The lawyer was also asked if the health problems were sudden and the lawyer said that they had been monitored and aggravated in Cuba. In an interview with Radio La Red, the lawyer said that Florence does not have anorexia but he apologized for giving details of his state of health.

Cristina's daughter is badisted in Havana by the Center for Medical and Surgical Research of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cuba (CIMEQ).

This is the medical certificate on the health of the exmandataria girl.
This is the medical certificate on the health of the exmandataria girl.

According to the medical certificate "as the main diagnosis (definitive) a disorder of post-traumatic stress, iThe following other diagnoses have been reported: purpuric syndrome under study; Demyelinating sensory polyneuropathy of unknown etiology; Amenorrhea at the study; Low body weight and mild lymphoedema of the lower limbs of undefined etiology ".

Florencia is being prosecuted for causes known as Hotesur and Los Sauces, in which alleged money-laundering maneuvers are being investigated by real estate and hotel companies. In either case, you must submit to oral and public trial.

In the case Los Sauces will be judged ex-president, his children Máximo and Florencia, as well as other people prosecuted for money laundering with the rents of the presidential family in favor of beneficiaries of public works.

Something similar has been investigated in the Hotesur case, with hotels, and that is why the prosecution has now asked that both investigations result in a single oral trial.


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