Exploit of Russian doctors: they operated for …


Russian surgeons They did a feat this Friday: performed open-heart surgery in a burning hospital in Blagoveshchensk, a city in the Far East of Russia.

We couldn’t stop the operation, we had to save this person and we did everything at the highest level. The operation was completed without difficulty, ”surgeon Valentin Filatov told Rossiya 24 television.

The blagoveshchensk heart clinic fire started in the morning and forced to evacuate 128 peoples. But the surgeons at work decided to stay until the end of the operation.

“There was no moment of panic,” said nurse Antonina Smolina of the surgical team.

In order to continue operating, the surgeons installed an electrical cable from the outside and ventilators to evacuate the smoke., said rescuers.

“Control of the fire was complicated by the fact that it was active over the entire surface, ie 1,600 square meters,” said Konstantin Rybalko, deputy director of the emergency services in the region.

After the operation, the medical team evacuated the burning premises and the patient was transferred to another hospital in the city.

The fire was finally brought under control without any casualties.

City officials have announced they will honor the medical team and firefighters.


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