Explosive testimony of his extortion becomes a threat to Trump


Cohen, in his energetic appearance yesterday in Congress, Washington Source: AP – Credit: Pablo Martínez

Prior to the Congress, Michael Cohen claimed to be aware of the investigative irregularities that involve the president; he called it "racist", "crook" and "cheat"

WASHINGTON – He called it "racist," "crook" and "cheat." He stated that he had committed crimes, that he had moved away with impunity, that he had lied and had forced him to lie, and that he had been killed. he knew in advance the escape of


thousands of Democratic emails that tortured the campaign

Hillary Clinton

during the 2016 presidential election.

In an explosive testimony to Congress, Michael Cohen, former president of the president

Donald Trump

, complicated the

White House

and defended his former boss, for whom he had come to say that he was able to "receive a bullet". Cohen, who had pleaded guilty to lying before Congress in a previous testimony, said that he now seemed to be telling the truth and "correct the record", apologized to from the country and confessed embarrbaded.

"I'm embarrbaded because I know what Mr. Trump is, he's a racist, a crook and a cheater," said Cohen, reading a sworn statement before a House committee. "I 've been lying, but I'm not a liar, I' ve done bad things, but I'm not a bad person, I 've corrected things, but that' s not bad. It's not up to me to fix things, Mr. Trump, "he added later.

The long-awaited testimony of Cohen, which was broadcast live on television channels and drew the attention of


, eclipsed the first day of the Trump summit in Hanoi with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, in which they both seek to close a concrete step towards nuclear peace on the Korean peninsula.

From Vietnam, Trump tried to take off and said on Twitter that Cohen was "lying" to reduce his sentence. Rudy Giuliani, Trump's attorney, undermined Cohen's credibility and described his testimony as "pathetic". The tycoon campaign, already fully operational by 2020, has also been sent to the lawyer.

"It's the same Michael Cohen who admitted to having already lied in Congress, why did they take the oath now?" Said Kayleigh McEnany, secretary of Trump's national press campaign, communicated. Several members of the Republican Congress have also attempted to attack Cohen's credibility. Paul Gosar accused him without half-measures: "You're a pathological liar!", He says. Cohen did not flinch: "You mean me, sir or the president?", He replied.

The testimonies also served to show the renewed strength of the Democrats in Congress. Prior to the last general election, the House and Reform Monitoring Committee that Cohen testified to was under the control of the Republicans. Cohen's testimony was only possible because, after regaining control of the lower house, the Democrats also took over the chairmanship of the committees and were able to summon the attorney again.

Cohen launched several explosive charges, but two stood out from the others. The lawyer said that Roger Stone, counselor and friend of the president, had said during a telephone conversation in Trump that he had spoken to Julian Assange and that WikiLeaks was preparing to publish the stolen emails at Democratic National Committee in the middle of the presidential campaign.

"Would not that be great?" Said Trump, according to Cohen's testimony.

Trump said earlier that he knew nothing about WikiLeaks publishing stolen documents to the Democrats. Stone denied this statement. WikiLeaks said in a tweet that Assange had never talked to Stone.

Cohen also brought new evidence regarding the payment to bad actress Stormy Daniels to silence an alleged romantic relationship with Trump during the presidential campaign. "He asked me to pay a bad movie star with whom he had an affair and who was lying to his wife, which I did, and lying to the first lady is one of my biggest complaints, because she's a good person and that I respect immensely, she did not deserve it, "said Cohen.

Cohen presented a check for $ 35,000 bearing the signature of Trump, which he received on August 1, 2017, while Trump was already president. It was one of 11 checks Trump had given to Cohen during that year to "pay back" the payment to Daniels. These payments were illegal and are part of the crimes for which Cohen pleaded guilty.


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