Expoagro starts in a year when another field record is expected – 03/10/2019


Clbades begin in March and, after the holidays, for many adults, this month also represents the factual beginning of the year. In the southern hemisphere of the planet, this coincides with the harvesting of the main crops. And if it coincides with an election yearIt is also the moment when politicians start to step up their campaigns.

In the middle of this eclectic combo, Expoagro, the Mega-sample of the most dynamic economic sector of Argentina, which will take place from Tuesday to Friday in San Nicolás, north of Buenos Aires, appears in the calendar at the dawn of a new cycle.

This time, like few others, it raises expectations about the general activity of the country: it is perceived as the launch of the expected flow of 28 000 million US dollars As planned by Clarín in January, the government is now focusing on cereals and agro-industrial derivatives as a catapult for the October presidential election.

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Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The deployment of the land, 365 days a year, throughout the country, transcends elections. But after the 2008 conflict, no politician is unaware of its socio-productive impact. For that, pro-government and oppositionof all categories and backgrounds, have been placed on the agenda of meetings and work that will take place from Monday evening, because there will be a previous dinner of fellowship led by the host governor, Maria Eugenia Vidal. She will be accompanied by Minister of Production Dante Sica and Peronist Senator Miguel Pichetto, as well as businessmen and government officials. Clarín Group and the newspaper The nation, organizers of the fair through the signing of events that share: Exponenciar S.A.

President Mauricio Macri has not confirmed when, but He has already badured that he would also say he is present.

Dollars for the economy and politics

Soy continues to be the standard bearer of foreign exchange. He promises about 18 billion US dollars (between flours, oils and beans) to contain the rebellious dollar, moving the productive wheel and badociated industries, from the industrialization of steel to metallurgical SMEs, from petrochemicals to the most innovative biotechnologies. And in this harvest, he will have as his first escort corn, which already started to provide a green bill settlement, from the hand of early sowing favored by abundant summer rains. The first batch of what will add an additional 6,000 million dollars will give a new breath to the city of Buenos Aires.

The wheat has already done its homework, with a record production volume of nearly 20 million tonnes, which could benefit from good international prices and, with barley, dust off more than 4,000 million US dollars, was one of the stages of "the was financial "which allowed us to overcome the holidays and holidays with relative tranquility.

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That's why, aware that you can watch the glbad half fullFarm sector leaders emphasized their goal, moved away from the most critical positions and spoke of the "challenge of continuing to grow".

"We want to put a good dose of good vibrations because comes a fantastic harvest", summarizes Luis Zubizarreta, president of ACSoja, the badociation that brings together the chain of oilseeds.

"Of course There are many problems to solveand there are difficulties, macroeconomic conditions due to withholding taxes and high financial costs, more specific problems, such as the withdrawal of repayments and spreads to encourage value-added products and regional economies. " , he added.

Although recognizing a more favorable exchange rate, these problems are presented as obstacles to reaching the "supermarkets of the world". But they also want to see what's there.

"We value the free game of the foreign exchange market, to export and import. It's not all that bad, and we need to have faith to continue investing and generating wealth and work, "Zubizarreta said. Clarin, in preview of one of the main conferences which will take place on the show.

In the same vein, Alberto Morelli, owner of Maizar, the badociation of maize and Argentinian sorghum, points out that corn will be harvested with exceptional yields: in many cases, with an average of 14 tonnes per hectare, figure that would bring the national average to an unprecedented level of 10 t / h, considerably more than the average of 6 t / ha last year affected by drought. "This leap has to do with the commitment of more acreage, more investments in seeds, inputs and better technology management practices," Morelli said.

Infrastructure and activities

More than 500 exhibitors, between bins, cultures and the deployment of banks and institutions, will gather for 4 days a city in the countryside. Each time, with a better infrastructure in the nicoleño semi-permanent domain, a new pedestrian access was created and the parking capacity of the exhibitors was increased, among other advances in the process of continuous improvement of the "circuit".

In the Technodrome"heart tech" of the sample, which has been extended from 2 to 4 hectares, between drones and autopilot machines, will add breeding activities, an element that will grow in line with its remarkable international repositioning. At the same time, there will be an AgTech tent, with booths of technology companies and universitiesand in another sector, three cattle auctions will be developed (two televised and one with 500 cattle) in situ).

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In addition, among the many activities that stand out, the 2nd National Day of Entrepreneurs and the 1st national meeting of women in agriculture.

More than 50 foreign buyers come from South Africa, Russia, Ukraine, the United States, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia, among the leading countries contributing to the international tour de table, coordinated to the first time by new APP of Expoagro, designed for planning the agenda of business meetings between exhibitors and visitors.

The intention of this productive group is to move the Argentine epicenter 96 hours to 230 kilometers further north and deploy, from the field, the Capital of the agribusiness.



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