Exports and trade surplus rebound in February to $ 1.062 million – Economic, financial and trade news


For the second consecutive month, trade is the sum of exports plus imports, recorded a year-on-year increase in February of 12.1%, compared to the same period in 2020.

In a sense, the $ 8,488 million in trade is reflection of the greater local activity and the world trade leveleven in the context of a pandemic.

Exports rose to US $ 4.775 million in the month, up 9.1% in terms of year by year, while the Imports ended at US $ 3,713 million, an increase of 16.4% compared to February of the previous year.

Thus, as reported this afternoon the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec), Argentina’s trade surplus was $ 1.062 million last month and accumulates $ 2,131 million in the first two months of the year.

In addition, the trade exchange of the first two months is the second in importance for this period in the last seven years, exceeded only in 2018.

As salient data, it emerges that exports spun for the second month in a row on positive ground after 12 months followed by falls throughout 2020. It is true that this was the year the pandemic broke out, but it is nonetheless true that the numbers in red started before March of last year.

The performance of exports in February is explained by the price increase (14.2%), while the quantities they decreased by 4.5% compared to the previous year.

Regarding the imports the reverse phenomenon occurred, since the amounts increased by 19% in the second month of the year, but prices contracted 2.2%. This has happened in a scenario where imports have increased so far this year, even more than exports.

This is a good indicator of the relative improvement in activity in the country, but it cannot be ignored that the commercial administration policy carried out by the national government, leads to “intervening” or delaying any import which is not considered essential.

Singing tests. While imports increased 20.7% year-over-year in November and 24.7% in December, This figure rose to 8.7% in January and to 16.4% last month.

The lack of dollarsAt least until the gross harvest dollars start coming in from April, they somehow explain the policy of turning off the tap on the entry of imported goods.

The problem lies precisely in the fact that, with February data, only 12.1% of imports are consumer goods, 4.7% are fuels and lubricants and 4.7% are passenger vehicles.

The rest, almost 80% of the total are capital goods; accessories parts and parts; and intermediate goods, necessary for the production process.

At the level of the countries of origin and destination of Argentinian trade, Brazil remains the main trading partner, followed by China, a country with which a significant trade deficit ($ 1.197 million over the month) by the weight of imports relative to exports.

In addition, the growth of exports to United States (11.4%), India (50.3%), Vietnam (40.4%) and Netherlands (94.6%), although it should be noted that with a volume of business much lower than that recorded with Brazil and China.


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