Exports peaked in 7 years, and trade surplus reached US $ 1,623 million


In the fifth month of the year, exports reached US $ 6,764 million, the highest level recorded since June 2014, and imports, US $ 5,141 million, the agency said.

Exports increased by 33.2% compared to the same month of 2020 (US $ 1,686 million), mainly due to a price increase of 35.9%, with quantities falling by 1.9%.

As for imports, increased by 62.4% compared to the same month of the previous year (US $ 1,975 million), following a 40.7% increase in quantities and 15.3% in prices.

Between January and May of this year, exports amounted to US $ 28,314 million, while imports reached US $ 22,690 million, so the positive trade balance during this period was 5,624 million US dollars.

According to official figures, In May, trade (exports plus imports) increased by 44.4%, compared to the same month of the previous year, to reach an amount of 11.905 million US dollars.

Net exports of the main products and by-products derived from soybean cultivation (beans, oil, flour and pellets) recorded a surplus of US $ 1,975 million in the same month, an increase of US $ 270 million until May 2020.

The main destinations for Argentine exports were: Brazil, China, United States, Chile, India, Netherlands, Vietnam, Egypt, Indonesia and Iran, in this order; who together accumulated 58.0% of total external sales.

For their part, the top ten countries of origin of imports were: Brazil, China, USA, Paraguay, Germany, India, Thailand, Mexico, Vietnam and Italy, and they accounted for 70.5% of total overseas purchases.

The largest surpluses in May correspond to trade with Chile ($ 295 million), Netherlands ($ 230 million), Egypt ($ 201 million), Iran ($ 200 million), Indonesia ($ 194 million) and Peru ($ 159 million).

In exchange, the largest deficits were recorded with Paraguay (US $ 275 million), Brazil (US $ 228 million), Germany (US $ 149 million) and China (US $ 125 million).

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