Express Parity: he delivered a speech and answered his wife's call


The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, provoked laughter by answering a phone call during a press conference following the summit between the European Union and the League of Arab States which was held Monday in Egypt.

During the demonstration, the telephone call from the European administration was heard three times. On the third occasion, Juncker decided to interrupt his speech because his phone did not stop ringing. After briefly answering and hung up, he told the participants that the call came from the "usual suspect", that is to say from his wife, which caused some laughter on the part of the public. Then Juncker quietly continued his speech.

The conference was held in Sharm el-Sheikh and aimed to strengthen the Arab League's and the EU's badociation facing common challenges such as terrorism and migration. The next summit is scheduled for 2022 in Brussels (Belgium).

This is not the first time that the President of the EC is leading an uncomfortable situation at a high level event. In July 2017, Juncker burst out laughing after receiving a call at a press conference on migration. "I am sorry, it is my wife," said at the time the president of the European Commission, who did not answer the call. However, when he looked at the screen, the politician realized that he had not ignored his wife, but "Ms. Merkel". This was said by the Russian portal RT:

In addition, last December, Juncker moved and kissed a stranger greeting her unorthodoxly at the entrance of the European Commission in Brussels.

In 2015, at a summit in Riga (Latvia), he gave small slaps to face or kissed world leaders and was even called "dictator" the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban.

Also last July, Jean-Claude Juncker staggered in public at a NATO summit in the Belgian capital and generated rumors about his possible state of drunkenness.



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