Extortion, espionage and money laundering | R …


Dolores' federal judge, Alejo Ramos Padilla, has opened an investigation for "money laundering" after detecting millions of transactions abroad by fake lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio.
The magistrate asked the special advocate on money laundering (Procelac) to cooperate with the investigation and pointed out that it "can not be excluded that the sums of money Money millionaires making the object of these financial maneuvers may have come from investigated, "according to the resolution signed today.
"This group would have obtained approximately in March 2018 a license allowing him to carry out offshore activities by using as a base a subsidiary of the Foreign Forance Bank in Anoujan, in Comoros", added the judge.
The research highlights "the realization of movements of money millionaires internationally through unregistered transactions in the banking system in order to charge a commission in percentage".
The judge mentioned Alessio, another of the detainees, former Buenos Aires commissioner Ricardo Bogoliuk, and two unidentified people. It is estimated that the amounts exceed $ 100 million.


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