"Extraordinarily disrespectful": Macron responded to the teasing of Bolsonaro


The President of France answered his Brazilian counterpart Source: Reuters

fires in the
Amazon caused a new
diplomatic scandal at the World level. For days, the president of
la France,
Emmanuel Macronand his pair of
Jair Bolsonaro, exchange reviews and claims. Until today, that the
The tension came on a personal level, after the Latin American president made fun of the wife of his European counterpart.

In social networks, Bolsonaro has made fun of
Brigitte Macron and her husband was not silent. Today at a press conference at the summit of
G7 of
BiarritzFrance regretted the "extraordinarily disrespectful" comments about his partner and said he was "sad" for the Brazilians.

The President of France answered his Brazilian counterpart
The President of France answered his Brazilian counterpart Source: Reuters

Bolsonaro made "extremely disrespectful comments about my wife," Macron said. "What can I tell them? It's sad, it's sad, but it's sad for him and the Brazilians at first."

He also said that women in Brazil should be ashamed of the president for his attitude. "It's sad, it's sad for him and the Brazilians … Brazilian women are probably ashamed of their president," said the Frenchman. "As I have a lot of esteem and respect for the Brazilian people, I hope that he will soon have a president up to it," he added.


The episode mentioned by Macron took place on Sunday, when Bolsonaro replied to a message published on
Facebook who compared the appearance of his wife
Michelle, 37, with Brigitte, 66, and Macron's wife.

"Do you now understand why Macron attacks Bolsonaro?", Reads next to the photos of the two presidential couples. "Do not humiliate the man, hahaha," wrote Bolsonaro in a comment labeled badist.

The problems between the two began with the fire and the statements of Macron, who accused the Brazilian of fires in the Amazon jungle and accused him of lying about his anti-countermeasures policy. climate change. In fact, he held him responsible for his decision not to support the trade agreement announced several weeks ago between the European Union and Mercosur.

– We can not ensure that a president, Macron, unleashes unintentional and gratuitous attacks against the Amazon, who conceals his intentions behind the idea of ​​a "partnership" between the two G-7 country to "save" the Amazon, as a colony. uma terra de ninguem. & – Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
August 26, 2019

Today, at a new pbadage, Bolsonaro said that Macron "disguised his intentions" behind his calls to "save" the Amazon. "We can not let a president shoot in his place and launch free attacks against the Amazon, nor conceal his intentions behind the idea of ​​an" alliance "of the G7 countries to" save " the Amazon, as if we were a colony or a no-man's land, "tweeted the Brazilian.

In another message, he said he had spoken with Colombian President Iván Duque about "the need to put in place a common plan, guaranteeing the sovereignty and natural wealth of most of the countries that make up the country". Amazon."

According to the latest figures, 79,513 fires have been detected in Brazil since the beginning of the year, including just over half in the Amazon. Between Friday and Saturday, 1130 new fires were declared, according to the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) of Brazil.

AFP and Reuters agencies



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