Extravagant Hot Springs Shaped Human Rage in China


The first world hotel In Hangzhou, China, he found a very special way of attracting tourism: with hot springs in the form of "hot pot hot", a traditional food of the gastronomy of the country.

The curious thing about the proposal is that people come into contact with different ingredients typical of the dish from the moment they enter the pools.

A man enjoys his drink in the middle of lettuce.
A man enjoys his drink in the middle of lettuce.

The thermal water service offered by the hotel consists of a bathtub divided into nine compartments, each of which contains a characteristic ingredient of the oriental dish: peppers, corn, meat, bananas and lettuce, among others.

As part of the bathroom, people can consume large skewers of meat and vegetables.
As part of the bathroom, people can consume large skewers of meat and vegetables.

According to its creators, the proposal was intended to promote healthy lifestyle and promote the hotel during the holidays of Chinese New Year, which begins on February 5th.

A group of guests toast in the middle of the party.
A group of guests toast in the middle of the party.

Contrary to what one might think, the food inside each sink they are not here to be consumedbut it has a decorative purpose. The hotel staff offers drinks and long skewers to guests during their stay in the bathtub.


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