Extreme eruption level at Cumbre Vieja volcano – Summary 3


The airport on the Spanish island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands, affected by the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, cannot operate due to the accumulation of ash after the appearance of two new eruptive vents, which expel ” rivers of lava “which raised to more than 6,200 the number of residents evacuated from their house.

It is “inoperative due to the accumulation of ash”, reported AENA (Spanish airports and air navigation).

Then he added that the cleaning tasks have started, “but the situation can change at any time”, after clarifying that the rest of the airports in the Canary Islands, one of the main tourist destinations in Spain, “are operational”, according to the AFP news agency.

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On Friday, the first flights to La Palma since the volcano eruption began on Sunday, and because of this, Health Minister Carolina Darias, who was planning to visit the island, canceled it due to the cancellation of various air links “and the impossibility of allowing other solutions by sea”, according to a press release from his ministry on Saturday.

Last night, the volcano experienced an increase in its virulence, stringing together explosions and roaring like it had not done so far.

Two new vents were opened, pouring out flowing lava at high speed and the rock-spitting volcano much further away.

Fear of the collapse of part of the cone led to ordering the evacuation of another area of ​​the island, a measure that affected 160 people and brings to more than 6,200 the number of inhabitants who have had to leave their home.

“The peak in intensity of the volcano has undergone a huge rise,” Miguel Ángel Morcuende, director of Pevolcan (Canary Islands Volcanic Emergency Plan), told reporters, justifying the evacuation.

At the same press conference, María José Blanco from the National Geographic Institute (IGN) reported that “lava flows, which have a high temperature and contain gases, are not very viscous and can jump over geographic obstacles “.

According to the European system of geospatial measurements Copernicus, the lava flow occupies an area of ​​190 hectares and destroyed 420 buildings.

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Brian Ceballos, an Argentinian Red Cross volunteer, provided details about the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma, one of Spain’s Canary Islands.

“The area of ​​the volcano has entered an explosive and aggressive phase, we are waiting in the fort, we are evacuated, we have very long shifts, but we have to be with the people for what is necessary,” he said. he describes this Friday. in dialogue with Channel 3.

“This afternoon we went to rescue an evacuee and, as we were driving back with my companion, we saw the shock wave of the first ‘detonation’ 2 kilometers away: the ambulance moved “, did he declare.

As for what will happen to the area affected by the eruption of the volcano, he said: “They will become protected areas or state heritage, there are houses which were surrounded by lava and which will no longer be able to be inhabited for at least a few years”.

“The lava moves very slowly, today it was one meter, but it could reach the sea. If the activity of the volcano will last between 30 and 40 days, it is likely that it will reach the water”, a he estimated.

Interview with Fernando Genesir.


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