Eyewitness of the King of Spain in Macri: "We support ongoing reform programs"


The president, who received them at the government headquarters, said that they were visiting "as a sign of support for this moment of change". Afterwards, they shared a lunch at the Olivos residence and in the evening they are entitled to a dinner in their honor at the CCK.

The President Mauricio Macri and the first lady, Juliana Awada, today received in the Government House Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz, kings of Spain, while in the afternoon, the chief of the State will preside at the CCK the opening ceremony of the Anti-Mafia Seminar.

Macri and his wife were waiting for the kings of Spain in the Chamber of Bustos and from there they went to the clean room where they delivered courtesy messages before holding a meeting in the scientists' room at which was attended by ministers diplomatic authorities of both countries.

During these courteous statements, Macri welcomed them "to visit us as kings, we are very happy to receive them in our country and we consider this visit as a sign of affection and support for this moment. of change that we are experiencing. "

In this sense, the Head of State compared these changes with those of Spain: "These are profound, costly and time-consuming transformations, identical to those you made many years ago and whose results are at your fingertips. she was evolving towards a better quality of life, we are doing the same thing, we aspire to that ".

In turn, King Felipe said that "for a Spaniard, for a Spaniard, coming to Argentina is always something very special, so you can imagine what it means for me and for the Queen to come for the first time as kings of Spain It is undoubtedly a great emotion since we are joined by so many things in Spain and Argentina ".

The king indicated that the agenda that he would take during the state visit would be maintained, but he stressed that "we intend to promote this relationship that we consider as strategic, in order to support Argentina as we have always done in difficult times.economic situation and we support all ongoing reform programs ".

Later, the royal couple moved to the Residencia de Olivos to share a lunch with President Macri and the first lady.

At 17:30, Macri will preside at the opening ceremony of the first anti-mafia seminar at the CCK, which will be attended by representatives of the Direzione Nazionale Antimafia and members of the committees of the House of Representatives of Justice and Anti-Mafia. Italian Senate

At 8 pm, the kings of Spain will be offered a dinner in their honor donated by the head of state and his wife in the hall gallery of the CCK shields, where King Felipe VI and the Queen Letizia will welcome the guests. .


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