Ezeiza airport is back to normal after the fog


May 28, 2019
– 10:05

Authorities have determined the suspension of departures and arrivals at the terminal because of "low weather precipitation". 13 flights were diverted to other airports

The Ezeiza International Airport he returns to perform operations of departure and arrival of flights with a total normality after being closed by the rare vision in the product of the intense fog road recorded in this area of ​​the province of Buenos Aires.

From 7:00 to 11:30, large fog patches prevented the correct display of the runway and take-off, with which 13 flights were diverted to other terminals.

Among the deflected planes were the low-cost Norwegian of London; Latam, Santiago de Chile and San Pablo; Purpose of Rio de Janeiro and San Pablo; Aerolineas Argentinas of Cordoba, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Asuncion; Level, from Barcelona and United from New York and Houston.

On Wednesday, as part of the general strike, LATAM announced that canceled all his flights program.

The measure will last 24 hours and will reach 330 flights and will reach more than 37,000 pbadengers.


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