Ezeiza: passenger carrying 3 kilograms of "coca" in Spain | Chronic


A woman of Paraguayan nationality was arrested at Ezeiza International Airport while she was attempting to take a flight to Spain with about three kilograms of cocaine hidden in a suitcase.

The drug was detected by the airport security police (PSA) during the check-in of the baggage in the warehouse, where they had to board the Air Europa UX flight to Madrid. , in Spain.

The police observed through X-ray scanners an organic substance in a suitcase and, unable to determine what it was, they approached a narcotics detector, which reacted to the presence of drugs.

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The troops searched for the owner of the baggage and, by order of the court, were searched and opened.

In a double bottom of the suitcase, research found a black rubber impregnated eva plate that, subjected to a chemical reagent for cocaine hydrochloride, was tested positive.

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A total of 2 910 kilos of cocaine were seized and the woman was held incommunicado and put at the disposal of the Economic Criminal Court No. 4, in charge of Alejandro Catania.


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