Fabián, leader of the western front of the ELN, was killed in Chocó


Colombian army operation
Colombian army operation

Defense Minister Diego Molano confirmed that alias Fabián, guerrilla leader of the Western War Front of the National Liberation Army (ELN), and alias Carlitos, the second in command of this terrorist structure, were in the camp bombed by the Colombian army in the jungles of Chocó.

“There is a high probability that the pseudonym Fabián, whose name has been omitted by the authorities, fell after a bombardment in the jungle of northwestern Colombia,” Molano said, according to the newspaper ‘El Espectador’. . According to sources consulted by the magazine Semana on Monday night, the authorities are almost 100% sure that the terrorist leader died in the attack and are only awaiting confirmation from Forensic Medicine, after the examination of the bodies. .

The attack took place in the municipality of Istmina, in the department of Chocó, where the pet of the guerrilla commander was also found, along with photographs of Fabián’s partner, who also died during the attack. ‘surgery. The authorities said they had also found a chair on site that “Fabián” used frequently, as well as shoes which appear in other photographs obtained by the secret services.

“A pet has been found who was still with Fabian, a breed of pinscher, who was found injured, who is being treated. They have been valuable digital elements, which will provide valuable information on the intentions of the ELN not only in Colombia, but in Cuba and Venezuela ”, explained the director general of the Colombian police, General Jorge Luis Vargas.

Three other ELN members were injured in the bombing and their testimony would also corroborate that among the dead were “Fabián” and “Carlitos”. At the site, eight computers and several USB keys were found which would account for the plans of the Western War Front of the ELN, commanded by ‘Fabián’ after the death, also in a bombing, of Andrés Felipe Vanegas, alias’ Uriel ‘, October 25 in Nóvita (Chocó).

The documentation includes the guerrilla strategy in its dispute with the Gulf clan for control of the Colombian Pacific and the spaces for the establishment of cocaine processing factories. “In several of the ELN devices found, in particular Fabián, the delivery of 70 million to the so-called lines was established to attack the police and carry out riots in various cities of the country,” Vargas added. The guerrillas thus financed part of the unrest during the national strike. Henceforth, the western war front of the ELN would be under the command of the alias “La Abuela”, for the capture of which they offered up to 1,000 million pesos.


Alias ​​’Fabian’, successor of ‘Uriel’ in the ELN, was allegedly dismissed by the army in Chocó
This was the operation in which alias Uriel was discharged

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