Fabiana Rosales: "It's a bit too short for Venezuela to be free"


Rosales, Guaidó's wife, says she's not scared Credit: Marco Bello

The wife of Juan Guaidó and a political activist said that it only remained to convince the military

CARACAS.- Her husband constantly calls Chiqui, but Fabiana Rosales is the new first lady (responsible) of the country. Immediately, he says: "Nothing to do with the first revolutionary fighter", like Cilia Flores, the wife of

Nicolás Maduro


Only 26 years old, this journalist, political activist of the popular will and
influencer In social networks, he experienced the "supreme happiness" of the revolution. His father died in 2013 after a heart attack that could not be treated at the hospital due to lack of supplies. His daughter Miranda was born in 2017, at the time of the demonstrations, when Miguel Castillo, friend of the couple and nephew of his doctor, was murdered in the streets of Caracas. Political police tortured another friend, Juan Requesens, last year. Others, companions of the student struggle, are exiled or imprisoned. Rosales lives in a "clandestine approach to Creole" similar to that of her husband, enjoying maximum security and playing the revocation of revolutionary bodies, but without shirking certain responsibilities that she already badumed with temperance and firmness. And he does it from a privileged place: the first rank in history. From her, she confirms the serenity of her husband, who so surprised the country: "Juan is as we see in the street, he never shouted at home, I did not never seen "take away". All a virtue in the land of cries.

– What did you feel on Wednesday when your husband was sworn in to Venezuela's presidency?

-A euphoria, a feeling that crossed my body. People so happy, with such good vibrations. And very excited, the guarapo m & # 39; watered [aguaron los ojos]. And at the same time a great responsibility. We must rise to the challenge.

-From January 5th, the pieces of the puzzle were badembled one after the other. What is missing?

– Here, we need what we said every day: the military. We have everything else: the international community, the people on the street and the resources that will be repatriated to recover this country in a short period of time, including money for humanitarian aid. We have support, even plan officials who have been put in order. Only the armed forces are missing. The message is that they stand with the people, on the side of the Constitution, to defend the Venezuelans. It is time to act as it should and I think they are about to do it.

– Since when do you share life and political struggle?

-We have known each other for nearly seven years as activists of Voluntad Popular (VP). I started in the army when I was not even a party, I was leaving school when VP was created. I was very attracted by this generation of young people who took the reins of politics. Politics has interested me since I understood that they were destroying my country.

– How is it defined ideologically?

-Ni left or right. I love my country and I want the best for everyone. I do not want to fight anyone, resentment and hatred have built this disaster.

– How did they adapt to this kind of clandestine living president in charge of Venezuela?

-I'm not afraid to leave, I do not do anything wrong. This country thrills you every day, no one is bored here. If it's time to get on the bike, I'll do it; it's time to get out in the car too. I try to live one day at a time with great strength.

– Is Juan Guaidó ready to be president?

-Juan is ready for anything, he has a lot of integrity. He is a born official, born to serve. He left a very young job in a multinational [es ingeniero] devote oneself to politics, distributing leaflets at the beginning, looking for water for the teams. I am sure that his vocation of service will lead him to do what is best for others.

– Do you want to be president?

-It is an official and the officials badume any office. I am sure that I will give everything for everything.

– Do you think that the government will dare to arrest Guaidó?

-They stopped him twice and both times he was with me. The first, at the Leopoldo trial, at a final hearing before sentencing. They released him shortly thereafter. Two weeks ago, they also released him. And this can happen at any time, simply that someone gives an order and that a manager who is not attached to the law and the Constitution respects it. In his house, his daughter is waiting for him every day and I want Miranda to grow up by his side. But we prepared for any scenario.

-You did not have this challenge too early, with 26 and 35 years old?

-This regime destroys the youth and the future for 20 years, they make fun of it. Yes, it was a little fast, you imagine a longer term political career. But steps have been taken to reach that moment.

-For you who were little girl as a girl, what's going on in Venezuela in this hectic month of January, is it a miracle?

-I am a person of great faith and faith moves mountains. To regain that trust, that we are all united again, that we all have the same interest, is a miracle. All the leaders of the opposition have the same interest, all the members have the same interest, all the people of the street have the same interest.

– What interest?

-That Venezuela be free. And it's very short.

Fabiana Rosales (wife of Juan Guaidó and political activist)

  • "We have support, including regime officials who have been put in order, only the armed forces are missing, the message is that they stand alongside the people"
  • "Juan is prepared for everything, he is very strong, he is a born official, he was born to serve"
  • "All the leaders of the opposition have the same interest, all the deputies have the same interest, all the people of the street have the same interest: that Venezuela is free"
  • "I am neither left nor right, I love my country and I want the best for everyone"


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