Fabiana Rosales, wife of interim President Juan Guaidó: "Soon Venezuela will be free" – 31/01/2019


Fabiana Rosales is 26 years old and has a degree in social communication. the Venezuelan press designates it as "the most cute first lady" that there was in the country.

His Instagram account is attended by 238,000 people and his network does not appear as the wife of Juan Guaidó, president of Venezuela, but as "the mother of Miranda Eugenia", his 20-month-old daughter.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Talk with Clarin (by phone, because of the persecution to which he is subjected by the regime of Nicolás Maduro) says that the end is near and asks people not to lose confidence and smile:

─ Smile in the dictatorship is an act of rebellion.


With "Regulo", which has its own account: instagram.com/ReguloAntoniogr.

What are the next steps?

─We will continue to promote the amnesty law and will continue in this way the cessation of the usurpation, install a transitional government and demand free elections, in addition to accompanying members of the National Assembly in their parliamentary activities that take place every Tuesday.

Look also

Do you have a deadline for the rescue of the constitutional thread that started on January 23?

No, the deadlines were set according to the objectives set without haste or inconvenience. The measures that have been taken are firm taking into account the consequences. And we will continue like this, without haste but with firm steps.

What do you expect from the big march called Saturday?

That it is mbadive like that of 23. We are also waiting for the declaration of the European Community [el Parlamento Europeo ya reconoció a Guaidó] and the next calls that will be made in the coming days.

With Miranda. (Instagram)

With Miranda. (Instagram)

How did the calls to the military go?

"Every day we send the message to the army, the calls are constant. They consist of soldiers who embellish the uniform they wear and to stand on the side of the people and the Constitution.

Some criticize the fact that the offer of amnesty is an army strike.

"The only ones who can hit are the military and not the civilians. And these are the uniforms that strike every day: a blow to education, a shortage of food and medicine. Every day we are hungry and need. It was the soldiers who mistreated the Venezuelans.

Look also

What would you say to the children and adolescents who were tortured and humiliated by the Maduro regime just for demonstrating?

What soon Venezuela will be free and they can express their thoughts in peace and without hatred. And I accompany the mothers in their pains and their suffering. I am a mother too, I have a daughter. And I pray to God that the suffering ends as soon as possible and that what we have experienced is only a bad memory and that in their heart they never feed hatred of what they do. .. [se le entrecorta la voz].

Fabiana worked in the press at the National Assembly and was production badistant on the Sun Channel television network.

Today, I left for my daughter and for all the children of Venezuela. Today, I left for our kidnapped children. We demand their freedom now!
Today, I left for Venezuela filled with hope. pic.twitter.com/azkgSUFnlU

– Fabiana Rosales (@FabiiRosales) January 31, 2019

How is international humanitarian aid organized?

"You have already been allowed to arrive in the country and the NGOs will distribute it. It will serve the most vulnerable and underprivileged sectors and people at high risk of malnutrition. Parliament and the Broad Front have been working on this issue for some time.



Will you participate?

Of course, with pleasure and every day.

Look also

When is the humanitarian channel open?

Very soon They have already offered $ 20 million in badistance.



Was she surprised to become the presidential couple and be the first lady overnight?

─ Many, but I think if God put us on the road for something it will be. We are here to serve. It's time to work for what we want.

Look also

Were they ready to badume the presidency?

"We are prepared for life and the challenges we pose. We must live up to these challenges.

Do you see yourself as the first lady of the presidential residence of La Casona, currently uninhabited?

"I see myself serving the country, no matter where I'm supposed to go. If he lived in La Casona, he would ask God to heal the wounds of the residence.

Something personal

What motivated you to become monaguilla in the Church Nuestra Señora de Regla in Tovar (Merida)? Did you want to be a nun?

Not at all. I was 7 years old when I was monaguilla because I believed a lot in God and wanted to collaborate in the Catholic Church.

Look also

How did you meet Juan Guaidó?

During this fight against tyranny, in Caracas, in a youth movement.

The couple has been 7 years old. (Instagram)

The couple has been 7 years old. (Instagram)

─Last: what message do you send to Venezuelans, especially to those who are abroad?

That they do not lose hope, do not lose faith; that they get up and smile every day asking God to realize it. Smile in the dictatorship is an act of rebellion. And to those who are abroad, who soon we will wait here at the border to build this country together.

Caracas. Special for Clarín.


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