Fabio Hernández, a doctor kidnapped in January, found dead


A doctor kidnapped in January has been found dead.
A doctor kidnapped in January has been found dead.

Fabio Hernández Salom, a doctor who was kidnapped on January 8, was found dead in a grave near Magdalena Medio. The news comes after the efforts and rewards offered by local authorities to rescue Hernández to safety, kidnapped from his farm in Toluviejo, Sucre.

“On January 8, a complaint was received from his family concerning the disappearance of the doctor alongside the veterinarian Néstor Tamara, the latter released, while they were traveling by vehicle near his farm, located in the village of Caracol de the municipality of Toluviejo, Sucre ”, reported the Navy at the time. Hours after the double kidnapping, Tamara was released.

The governor of Sucre, Héctor Olimpo Espinosa, who urgently summoned a security council when the news of the double kidnapping was made public, assured that he would put the forces of the authorities at the disposal of the safety of the two citizens to achieve their rescue. Likewise, he asked for the collaboration of the citizens, to whom he offered a reward of 40 million pesos for the delivery of valuable information that could help save Hernández.

“We will spare no effort and we will use all the capacities of our law enforcement and investigative bodies to find those responsible and succeed in saving Dr Fabio Hernández alive”Espinosa said, weeks before the murder of the doctor, discovered in the last hours.

The alerts were activated when, said relatives of Tamara and Hernández, On the night of January 8, the two professionals did not arrive at home, as they did after their working hours in the late afternoon.

Sucre Police Commander William Rincón explained that, according to the accounts of relatives of the kidnapped, “they did not arrive at their farm as usual; they moved from the municipality of Sincelejo to the district of Caracol, in Toluviejo ”.

Doctor Fabio Hernández, kidnapped in Toluviejo, in the department of Sucre.
Doctor Fabio Hernández, kidnapped in Toluviejo, in the department of Sucre.

According to the first hypotheses adopted by the authorities, supported by the testimonies of relatives of the victims, Hernández’s kidnapping and death are said to have to do with revenge, since the doctor had previously denounced that he had been the victim of extortion in the last months of 2020.

“Do not doubt that we will defeat you, my commitment and my solidarity with the family of Doctor Fabio Hernández, We’re not gonna stop until we catch these criminals, I’m not gonna rest a minute to make this department safer», Declared Héctor Olimpo Espinosa, governor of Sucre, after learning of the violent death of the health professional.

According to the testimony of the family, in particular of a son of Hernández, the kidnappers who had his father in power, demanded a millionaire sum to release the doctor in order to free him. It was an extortion of over 1,000 million pesos.

The extortion call, the RCN Radio portal explained, was one of the clues the authorities used to locate Hernández, however, investigations were unsuccessful until the fateful news arrived.

As reported by La FM, the Police’s Anti-Abduction and Anti-Extortion General Directorate succeeded in capturing 8 people involved in the case, including Ébert Hernández, Rosiris de la Rosa, Alberto Mercado, Lina Solano, Ánderson Vergara, Nathaly Ruiz, Alberto Ruiz and Darwin Donado Martínez. These people will be accused, then charged, for crimes of conspiracy to commit a felony, kidnapping, extortion and homicide.

The arrests of these eight people, according to information from local media, took place in Morroa and Sincelejo (Sucre); Soledad and Barranquilla (Atlántico); and Magangué (Bolívar). After his arrest, those involved gave the exact coordinates where the lifeless body of the doctor was allegedly found, in fact, was found by the authorities.

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