FaceApp explained how the facial recognition application that makes you old works


The creators of the app that modifies the portraits had to clarify the doubts that were generated around the operation of the system Credit: Shutterstock

With the promise of creating instant changes to a portrait with
changes in age, style and genre, FaceApp has become the most downloaded application. The technology used to transform faces scanned with the smartphone's camera
doubts about the security offered by the application created by Russian Yaroslav Goncharov before a possible
misuse of collected biometric data.

For this reason, FaceApp developers have issued a statement stating that they do not sell or share the data collected with third parties. For its part, although the research and development team is located in Russia, FaceApp guarantees that user data will not be transferred to that country.

"We do not upload photos from the photo gallery either, the permission we request is to use the phone's camera.We only download the image selected by the user. on our server, "added the company.
in the statement published by TechCrunch Technology website.

FaceApp in turn clarifies that the filters available in FaceApp are processed in the cloud and that, for this reason, they need that the images selected by the user are loaded into the servers of the company.

"In this way, the user does not need to reload the photo to apply the effects," explained the developers, stating that most of this content was deleted 48 hours after the date of download.

Regarding the confidentiality of the use of the data collected by FaceApp, the company accepts the removal of all content stored by the application. FaceApp admits, however, that the response to this request may be delayed due to the impact of the application in recent weeks.

"All the functions of the application are available offline, it is possible to connect with a FaceApp profile, but 99% of our users do not use this feature," and noted that for this reason , FaceApp does access the data needed to identify a person.

Beyond the impact of recent weeks, FaceApp is a mobile application available for two years. Its functioning relies on the use of neural networks, a form of computation that seeks to mimic the functioning of the human brain and which is generally used for image processing. In fact, in 2017, it gained notoriety by offering a filter
age, rejuvenate or change the bad of the person described.



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