Facebook acquires Redkix to improve its social network for office workers | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Facebook announced Thursday that it has acquired Redkix, a star that is developing tools to communicate more effectively by combining email with more formal collaboration features, reports the website "TechCrunch". Thus, the social network seeks to improve its workplace by platform Facebook .

Redkix appeared on the market two years ago as a "child prodigy". It has enjoyed incredible funding of $ 17 million to be a tool that combines collaborative features such as Slack or the same workplace by Facebook with email.

What he was doing was allowing people to collaborate a job via your platform or from an email so that everyone could work together and in a more integrated way. According to Alan Lepofsky, director of the business section of "Constellation Research", it is "that something" that is missing.

"Redkix is ​​a great way to unify the worlds between traditional emails and chat messages – most businesses are not ready to switch from one to the other, and Redkix allows users work according to the method they want, communicating seamlessly with each other, "Lepofsky told TechCrunch.

The parties involved avoided mentioning how much the purchase was. As is usually the case in these cases, Facebook acquired the technology developed by the company and the team that created it. Thus, the entire Redkix team, including its CEO and Chief Technology Officer, will join the social network.

According to Lepofsky, companies that work with the social network platform may have a smoother transition between the two modes of communication, the Workplace Tool by Facebook and the e-mail as they prefer.

The data

Facebook is in competition with Slack, the leading platform; Microsoft, Cisco and Google in the collaborative communications market. Workplace appeared in 2015 by copying the model with which Slack has always worked.

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