Facebook actions fell after the transmission of the attack in New Zealand


Facebook shares were traded on the New York Stock Exchange after the live broadcast through the social network of one of the shootings in two mosques of New Zealand and the departure of two important leaders of the company.

In a day when technology companies were working in green, Facebook's value was down and closed with a fall close to 2.77%.

This happened after we learned that one of the mosque attackers in New Zealand had broadcast live one of the shootings on Mark Zuckerberg's social network, shooting several people with the help of an automatic weapon from which he had changed the charger. less than twice.

The decline in Facebook shares, pending the closure of Nasdaq, also comes after yesterday's announcement of the world's most-used social network announcement. will not have two of his executives at the highest level, Product Manager Chris Cox, and Facebook-based WhatsApp Manager Chris Daniels.

In a public letter to his employees, Zuckerberg revealed that Cox and Daniels had decided to leave the company after 13 and 8 years of activity, respectively.

Cox was one of Facebook's first engineers and is considered a close friend and personal friend of Zuckerberg. Daniels was vice president of the WhatsApp messaging application for less than a year after being an Internet.org project manager.

These problems of the Internet giant add to a very complex Wednesday, in which three of the most used services in the world, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp have had serious failures or have directly stopped working for several hours.

The company finally gave an explanation that convinced few people: the global decline was caused by a change in the configuration of its servers.


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