Facebook Against Taliban: Bans All Content Supporting The Militia Now In Control Of Afghanistan | He considers that they are part of a “terrorist organization”


Facebook bans all content in favor of the Taliban militia from its platforms -which since yesterday is in full control Afghanistan– which you consider to be a “terrorist organization”, and announced that a group of experts is already active to monitor and eliminate them.

“The Taliban are punished as a terrorist organization under US law and we have banned our services under our unsafe organization policies. This means that we remove accounts managed by or on behalf of the Taliban and prohibit praise, support and representation from themA Facebook spokesperson told UK public information service BBC.

For years, Islamist militias have used social media to spread their messages, so their rapid takeover of Afghanistan poses new challenges for tech companies about what to do with content related to this group. and other radical groups.

Facebook called the Taliban terrorist organization and dangerous for many years.

Taliban banned from Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp

The tech giant’s spokesperson added that “a dedicated team of experts in Afghanistan, who are native speakers of Dari and Pashto and know the local context, are helping us identify and alert us to emerging issues. on the platform “.

Facebook does not make decisions on the recognition of national governments, but rather follows “the authority of the international community”, he added, noting that the policy applies to all of its platforms, including its flagship social media network, Instagram and WhatsApp.

Despite the ban, it has been reported that the Taliban are using WhatsApp to communicate. Asked about this, the spokesperson said he would take action if he found accounts in the application linked to the group.

Other social media platforms have also come under scrutiny over how they handle Taliban-related content.


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