Facebook could compensate its users | Chronic


The Madrid court has accepted a complaint filed in Spain by Facebook with the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) for using private data without consent. In case of successful trial, the company could be ordered to compensate each of its Spanish victims of at least 200 euros for moral damages.

The court, in number 5 of Madrid, will badyze the presentation made last October to determine the follow-up of the investigation. In this, the company Mark Zuckerberg is accused of having abused its contractual terms, of having infringed the law on consumers and users and the rules of data protection.

The lawsuit refers to the business model of the business based on the collection, use and monetization of user data.

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The organization ensures that Facebook does not ask for express permission and does not even inform users of the use of their data.

According to the OCU, this complaint aims not only to protect the 85 million users affected by the Cambridge Analytica scandal, but also to all Facebook users in Spain.

The simple fact that they have accepted the request is now for the OCU "One more step in the defense of the rights of Facebook users. "

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To this action have also been added Deco-Protest, of Portugal; Altroconsumo, from Italy; and Test-Achats, from Belgium, representing more than one and a half million people.


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