Facebook dragged WhatsApp down: which messengers can be used as an alternative – 13/03/2019


Facebook Carry on falls in several parts of the world after more than five hours, and users of the social network are worried, because the failures also hang around WhatsApp e Instagram.

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The instant messenger, owned by the social media giant, is in the process of complications send messages, including audio. That's why many people ask if it's not time to evaluate alternatives.

The most used option: Telegram

Telegram, the Russian mail service.

Telegram, the Russian mail service.

Telegram is a messaging and voice over IP application created in 2013 by brothers Nikolai and Pável Durov. It's one of the alternatives WhatsApp more used, and more and more users choose it.

Telegrams promised more intimacy in the encryption of the messages, it facilitates a better handling of the stickers and the groups, and makes it possible among others to use messages destroyed after a certain time, without leaving any traces.

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In addition, it can be used in multiple phones at the same time, has bot functions and surveys and lets you share files up to 1.5 GB.

Similarly, another point in favor is that for its creators, the privacy is fundamental, so they refused to collaborate with the Russian government, which earned them that the application is not allowed in this country.

Signal, ultra-secure application

Signal has been developed with confidentiality as the main focus.

Signal has been developed with confidentiality as the main focus.

Signal is the messaging application developed by Open Source Systems, the company behind the end-to-end encryption used by WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

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It is an application of open source, which offers messages that self-destruct, prevents them from being caught to catch screen and encrypted for all your backup copies, including chats, pictures and calls.

LINE, all in one

LINE, with many more features.

LINE, with many more features.

LINE was born after the devastating earthquake in Japan in 2011 and is one of the most used applications of the island.

The application has all the features of WhatsApp and Telegram, but also allows you to perform calls to users that do not have a line, includes stickers, a timeline and even gives the possibility of make payments through the application.

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He also has games, call taxis, it synchronizes with Word, it has its own mascot and many other features.

Whichever option you choose, the hardest part is to reunite your group of friends and family. to incorporate application.


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