Facebook faces anti-vaccines | He will not share …


The company founded by Mark Zuckerberg has joined the fight against anti-vaccination movements: Facebook will no longer share false or misleading information about vaccination in its networks. This announcement followed the controversy that led to the spread of groups discouraging vaccination, contrary to the warning of the World Health Organization (WHO) concerning the multiplication of diseases contained in vaccines.

"We are working to combat misinformation about existing vaccines on Facebook and reducing its distribution and providing people with authoritative information on the subject," the company said in a statement signed by Monika, vice president of Global Policy. Management. Bickert.

Facebook and Instagram will take a series of measures to prevent the spread of these false data. Among them, they will lower the clbadification of groups that share incorrect information about vaccines so that they do not appear in the news of feed and will remove these groups from the recommendations and automatic predictions of the animals. search engine.

"We will reject any ads containing incorrect information about vaccines, and we have eliminated specific referral options such as" vaccine conflicts. "With ad accounts that continue to violate our rules, we we can take other measures, such as disabling your account, "they said.

The new vaccine policy will also apply to Instagram. The network will not display content containing incorrect information about vaccines in the Instagram navigation bar or hashtags. "We are exploring ways to share educational information on the subject when people encounter wrong information," they added.

Facebook based its decision on various warnings issued by organizations such as the WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which had identified publications containing false and misleading information. "If these vaccine announcements appear on Facebook, we will take action against them," they said.

As clarified, the social network will seek to add contextual information to vaccine research so that users "may decide to read, share, or participate in conversations about the information they see." This will be done for example by prioritizing the information provided by "vaccine expert organizations" at the top of the results of the corresponding research.


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