Facebook has acknowledged that he is listening to voice messages …


Facebook acknowledged that He listened to voice messages that users are sent by Messenger and that he has done through outsourced companies for this purpose. Listening was intended to improve their artificial intelligence system and to better adjust advertisements. The social network, which has long denied having engaged in this practice, has admitted to having stopped it.

"Like Apple or Google, since last week we have frozen the practice of listening to sound recordings made by people," said Facebook in a statement sent to the Bloomberg financial agency.

Mark Zuckerberg's company has acknowledged that hired hundreds of subcontractors to transcribe fragments of conversations from certain users, something he had denied a long time ago.

From Facebook, they explained that they were allowed to transcribe the conversations that users had through voice mail via the Messenger application. The companies in charge of this task had to check if the artificial intelligence of the network interpreted the messages correctly.

The auditors met after the companies hired for this purpose expressed their concerns about "The ethical implications of their work". According to the agency, the companies did not know the origin of the recordings and the use that Facebook gave them.

The Amazon, Apple and Google giants, all voice badistant salespeople, had already acknowledged that they were doing the same to improve the responses of their applications. Apple and Google have announced that they have abandoned this practice in recent weeks.

Amazon, for example, offers its customers the ability to block the use of their exchanges with Alexa, the artificial intelligence that drives their Echo voice badistants.

Facebook, which has just paid a record fine of $ 5,000 million
United States federal authorities for misuse of private data of its users, has long refused the use of audio recordings to better target their advertisements or make their pages more attractive.


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