Facebook has acknowledged that more than 300 million of his accounts are fake


More than 2,300 million people use the Facebook social network each month, a very high number. But the social network itself submitted a report a few days ago in which revealed that of this number, 371 million are fake.

To be exact, from these accounts, Facebook identified as fake but could not clear 116 million, and like duplicate accounts to another 255 million. The main problem faced by the company founded by Mark Zuckerberg to clear fake accounts is the difficulty of detecting them.

According to the same report, the social network manages to eliminate between 500 and 800 million false accounts each quarter. The black market seeks to keep them to inflate the "tastes" of publications, subscriptions and video reproductions. For this reason, which is used to feed many pages, especially those that viralize false news, false profiles have increased from 23 million in 2012 to 116 million currently.

Duplicate accounts are an even more complex challenge. Many people decide to have two or more accounts to separate their personal and professional profiles, although others use them to send spam, promote products or instances that do not comply with the law. The problem is that these duplicate accounts should not be counted as additional userssince they are literally the same people who already have another profile.

Ending fake and duplicate accounts seems to be an "impossible mission", although the process is not so complex for Facebook. However, the digital world claims that the social network does not count them in their numbers of general users, in order to have a more accurate view of their worldwide reach.


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