Facebook includes in the WhatsApp feature to detect misinformation | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Facebook Team WhatsApp of a function designed to identify the origin of information sent via the messaging platform. If a message is forwarded, it will include a tag that marks it as "returned". The site "TechCrunch" explains that although it seems a small change, it could be a great tool to identify when people are broadcasting viral content of dubious origin.

"To this day [martes] WhatsApp it will indicate which of the messages you receive are transferred," says the service in an entry on his blog. "This additional information will help you to have more control over your individual and group conversations, since you can identify if your friends or family are writing the messages they send you or pbad them on to someone else." 39, one of them. "

in India through newspaper ads to warn of spreading false news. This is understood as his appearance is also a measure to control viral misinformation in a country with over 200 million users and is linked to the killing of several white men of child abduction rumors unfounded.

Charges of different calibres against innocent people is believed to spread through Facebook e WhatsApp . That's why the social network has bought the ads in the newspapers. While the Ministry of Technology, last week, warned of the danger of "irresponsible and explosive messages full of rumors and provocations circulating in WhatsApp ."

Act and order takes steps to stop the guilty, platform abuse as WhatsApp for the repeated circulation of this provocative content is also a matter of deep concern ", said the Department of Technology in a statement."

"The deep disapproval of these developments was pbaded on to the management of WhatsApp and they were informed that the necessary corrective actions must be taken. be taken to prevent the proliferation of these false messages and on the occasion motivated / sensationalist Government also indicated that the dissemination of these messages should be contained immediately by the application of appropriate technology. "

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