Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp record errors around the world and complaints have been filed by users – 13/03/2019


Facebook and Instagram they fell and register in the afternoon of this Wednesday, the global connection problems, both of their web version and their applications, according to user reports on other platforms, such as Twitter.

In both cases, connection problems they began to be noticed after noon and had a particular impact in the United Kingdom, on the east coast of the United States and in some Latin American countries.

The map with the areas where the biggest problems are recorded in social networks. Photo: downdetector.com

The map with the areas where the biggest problems are recorded in social networks. Photo: downdetector.com

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In the case of Instagram, users particularly suffer from problems when they can not log in from the mobile application.in 32% of cases, followed by the impossibility of downloading photos, which affects 24% of reports, according to the Outage Report website.

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The disadvantages of Facebook, on the other hand, have a greater impact in the access via the web, something that, according to Outage Report, has an impact on 35% of users affected, while 17% say they can not write publications and 14% that they can not register.

WhatsApp also records faults (downdetector)

WhatsApp also records faults (downdetector)

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WhatsApp This also poses problems, with 81% of complaints related to sending messages. According to DownDetector, the highest concentration is in Buenos Aires, Uruguay, Mexico and part of Europe.

The company has posted on Twitter a statement that "we are aware that some people have difficulty accessing the family of Facebook applications. We are working to solve the problem as quickly as possible, "and consider it a DDoS attack.

Feedback on Twitter

Years of use #Facebook e #Instagram to boludear, but today, I need them posta do not work.
Yes, I came back for that.

– Salvi Chunco ♛ (@SalviChunco) March 13, 2019

So much to do and Facebook and Instagram are falling …

– • PROME • Entrepreneur (@prometeysanchez) March 13, 2019

Facebook and Instagram have fallen, and I can not see the memes

– Pau (@PauliRecabal) March 13, 2019


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