Facebook | Mark Zuckerberg reflects on what has been done in the last 6 months | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Despite all the problems, criticisms, investigations and setbacks that he lived Facebook up to now in 2018, when his CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, must be thought about, he does this thinking of the actions that lead to the social network "to be better".

For Zuckerberg, the important thing is not that social network actions have experienced the lowest growth in its history, but that now "more than 2.5 billion people are using at least one

Over the last few months, Facebook has begun to amend all the decisions that gave rise to scandals – and as a result of these three statements in the US Congress. senior leaders, including Zuckerberg and federal investigations, but for the founder of the social network, everything was to be "more transparent."

Thus, the company invested in the safety of its users, who worked effectively to identify and eliminate thousands of fake accounts, pages and groups before the Mexican elections.But he failed to say that he left profiles that spread misinformation continued to work almost the entire campaign.

It has also highlighted the tool that makes political advertising more transparent, "including the possibility that you see who is the political goal or advertising, how much they spend and a lot more. "The effective measure to change the somewhat misleading and targeted advertising in the US elections." 2016.

"We now have 20,000 people working on security and content review around the world." As I've done I said in previous quarterly updates, we invest so much in safety that it will significantly affect our profitability, "said Zuckerberg.

But what she may not have prevented, Is that the increase in its slower growth rate and the slowdown in revenues also affected its profitability and the resulting drop in its shares by more than 20%. According to the site "TechCrunch", that means a loss of market capital of about 123 billion US dollars.

On the other hand, neither the concrete actions in favor of the actual communities that the social network has undertaken helped to avoid the fall than Zuckerberg omits.The entrepreneur is committed to continuing to work to connect more people to the Internet, promoting platforms such as Igtv so that creators are approaching their communities and their fundraising campaigns.

"We still have a lot of work to do, but we hope these improvements make our services better for everyone," concludes Zuckerberg in his reflection, "Thank you for making this trip with us."

The data

According to the publisher of "TechCrunch", Josh Constine, the drop in value of Facebook was due to the slower user growth rate of its history, the reduction of users in Europe, the United States and Canada, the slowdown in income growth, the problems of privacy and well-being and the commitment to the stories.

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