Facebook, Twitter, Google and Microsoft will make data transfer easier


  Data Transfer

Facebook, Twitter, Google and Microsoft will facilitate data transfer. This alliance between large companies in the industry serves to create a transfer standard, which is called the Data Transfer Project (DTP). All are developing a platform that facilitates data portability.

Facebook was the founder of this idea and development, created last year. Although this tool is not available at the moment. Thanks to this, the user will not have to download the information to download it on another site, which will facilitate the user's move between the platforms. With DTP, users will be able to send all types of data.

According to the comments, the user who wants to use it can send contacts, health data, photos, videos, playlists … In short, a large amount of information , which will be useful at any time and can be stored and transferred with DTP.

This Facebook development that other major technology companies have joined is still under development. It is unclear when it will be made available to users in a normal way.

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