Facebook will have its own cryptocurrency


May 24, 2019
– 16:05

The social network plans to launch it next year and its name will be called Global Coin. "In this note, we explain all the details revealed by the company.

Facebookplans to launch its own cryptocurrency next year, who would be christened as Global Room and it would work with technology Blockchain, a shared database that functions as a book for recording buy-sell transactions or for any other transaction and technology basis of the operation of the Bitcoin, for example.

As a first step, this virtual currency would be launched in twelve countries during the first four months of 2020, as revealed by the BBC.

The company founded by Mark Zuckerberg it would formally endorse its use in the coming months, and then provide more details on that.


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It should be noted that Blockchain technology is not controlled by a central authority such as a bank and is a system used to ensure the security and anonymity of users.

Security-related details must be disclosed, an aspect that has worried Facebook users and other corporate social networks over the past several months due to various vulnerabilities affecting them.


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