Faced with possible defeat of Trump, Bolsonaro calls for national unity | the Chronicle


Before a possible defeat of his American ally and colleague, Donald Trump, President Jair Bolsonaro affirmed this Thursday that “the world is watching Brazil” Yes national unit convened to defend the the country’s natural resources, Main trading partner of Argentina.

The president, flanked by the former president and senator Fernando Collor de Mello (1990-1992), stated that “No one in the world has what we have”, although he did not specify whether he was referring to the traditional quote on biodiversity and richness of the Amazon rainforest.

“The world is watching us, we have what they don’t have. And to tell us that what is ours is ours, the union of 210 million Brazilians is necessary”Bolsonaro said, after saying Wednesday night that don’t give up hope for Trump to defeat Democrat Joe Biden.

“We follow international politics and we are a blessed country. No one has what we have, but we must educate every Brazilian citizen. We live in a country with 90% Christians. The presidential mandate will be in the hands of God“, said.

He claimed that his government “he saved the values ​​of God, the country and the family” by first putting the green and yellow colors of the national flag instead of the “red color” andn reference to the opposition Workers’ Party.

Bolsonaro’s speech was delivered in Piranhas, inland from Alagoas, during the inauguration of a water supply structure.

There he was supported by a speech by Senator and former President Collor, who, along with former President Miguel temer he repeats an approach of the extreme right Bolonarist.

Bolsonaro’s speech was interpreted as a message against Biden, as he did on Wednesday.

“He (Biden) stepped in twice talking about the Amazon. Do you want that for Brazil?“, he had said to his disciples, to whom he confided that he still hoped for Trump’s victory.

Biden, during presidential debates, criticized Bolsonaro’s environmental policies.

According to the Brazilian press, the soldiers who make up the first echelon of government at the Planalto Palace consider that if the democratic candidate Bolsonaro wins, he will have to move away from the most ideological group and give a signal to multilateralism, all the more China has been since 2009. Brazil’s main trading partner.

In the act, the political surprise was the presence of the senator Collor de Mello, who resigned the presidency in 1992 in the midst of a political trial to remove him from office over a corruption scandal.

A senator for the right-wing PROS party from Alagoas State, Collor approached Bolsonaro and shared the stage.

“Collor is a man who also fights for the interests of Brazil“said Bolsonaro, whose eldest son Flávio Bolsonaro, also a senator, was indicted yesterday for money laundering and embezzlement for embezzling money with gnocchi employees from his parliamentary office and from the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro for almost a decade, until 2018.


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