Faces | PICTURES | All the privacy of the dinner of honor of Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada, to the kings of Spain


The King and Queen of Spain, who are visiting Argentina for the first time, were the guests of honor of a gala organized by the President Mauricio Macri and his wife Juliana Awada

The welcome ceremony at the kings Felipe VI and Letizia, was held at the CCK, where cabinet members and guests also participated, such as Ms. Mirtha Legrand. "The good thing is that today Spain and Argentina are more together than ever. We fight together in the world for peace, multilateralism, climate change and organized crime. We have common goals, "said Macri in his opening speech.

The Argentinian President's message also had a political content: "We need to make the link bigger, but unfortunately there were tensions and tensions in the previous government. irrational conflicts it has fortunately not broken this relationship which I believe to be immutable. "

"In a few months, we will eliminate all doubts about our electoral process, the Argentineans will show that we are taking a course and that we will not come back"added Mauricio under the watchful eyes of all the guests.

"I raise my glbad to the relationship between the two countries and I thank the authorities for their welcome, "said Felipe VI, providing the link with the Macri government.

One of the surprises of the evening was the arrival of Mirtha Legrand, very shocked and proud to represent all the Argentineans at an event as important as this one. "This has touched me, moved me and applauded. All together! It's a real honor. I have been repeatedly invited to travel to Spain. It seems like I'm very popular there, "she said in an interview with Clarín.The lunch diva arrived at CCK with her daughter, Marcela Tinayre.

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at Photos: Ernesto Pages


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