Fadea will insist on the sale before continuing Guatemala


The national government and the Argentine aircraft plant (Fadea) will exhaust the authority to maintain the agreement on the sale of two Pampa III aircraft in Guatemala. On Thursday night, the country of Central America informed the state company that it was pulling out of the operation.

The news fell like a bucket of cold water in the facilities of the western area of ​​the city of Córdoba. Until Thursday morning, euphoria subsisted at the first international sale of the flagship product of today 's factory.

But the political situation in Guatemala is delicate. The President, Jimmy Morales, is ending his term and two other candidates are going to the polls to replace him. None of them is part of his party.

On Thursday afternoon, the EFE agency announced the decision of the Guatemalan government to give up the operation. And at 22:30, the official notification to Fadea arrived: "The Comptroller General of the Republic of Guatemala has recommended to the Ministry of National Defense to waive the current procedure for the acquisition of two aircraft Pampa III."

From the board of directors of the company, they badured that the decision did not conflict with the product, the conditions or the price. "They object to the government that this could have been done with another administrative tool," they said.

They also note that in Guatemala, they are still interested in the pampas, but the process must start all over again.

"It's an amazing surprise what happened.There is a local political conflict related to the elections.The president is very weak," he said. The voice a very high source of the Department of Defense of the nation.

In addition to this portfolio, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also dealing with the issue, as the operation took place under a cooperation agreement between the two countries.

However, both in the Nation and in Fadea, they will give priority to bailout the sale before solving a legal issue. "We are badyzing with the legal society, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs what steps are to be taken, but the point is not to go into conflict but to sell the planes," he said. they point out to the company.

In the Cordovan Oscar Aguad portfolio, this strategy coincides: "We are going to exhaust all instances in order for the sale to be made.For us, the sale has not fallen in. In case our attempts fail, we we would have recourse to the judicial life, but I repeat it: we think we can make the sale ".

Like any agreement, there is a unilateral resolution clause, which involves sanctions for non-compliance.

In Fadea, they proposed to go to Guatemala to strengthen the operation. Although they have stressed that they "will take into account the interests of Argentina" and insist that the operation "is not over".

Yesterday, Antonio Beltramone, president of Fadea, asked the workers not to give up and redouble their efforts. In this sense, the construction of the four pampas in production will continue. "There are customers for these planes," they said from the factory. For now, two will go to the Argentinian air force and a third could be sent to Bolivia.

An agreement that started with problems

The Pampa III aircraft sales agreement, worth $ 28 million, was reached July 3 in Buenos Aires between Argentine President Mauricio Macri and his Guatemalan counterpart, Jimmy Morales.

However, that day, senior Guatemalan officials denied the purchase of the aircraft and a strong controversy began. The agreement was ratified, but various critics of the opposition parties acted as mediators.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 13/07/2019 in our print edition.


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