Fajardo assured that “he can not imagine” Petro as president: “he chickened out”


Senator Gustavo Petro and former Governor of Antioquia Sergio Fajardo.  Photos: Colprensa.
Senator Gustavo Petro and former Governor of Antioquia Sergio Fajardo. Photos: Colprensa.

The presidential candidate today Sergio fajardo was perhaps one of the biggest criticisms of the actions of Human Colombia chief Gustavo Petro and, less than 10 months before the first presidential round in which they clash again at the polls, Fajardo left several objections to the senator’s actions as well.

In dialogue with the magazine The week, The also member of the Coalition of Hope assured that he is accused of having repeatedly criticized Petro, for which he asked his opponents to do “A list, look at the tweets Mr. -Petro- has been putting against me all this time and make a list of what I said about him”, said the former governor of Antioquia and defended his way of speaking in front of his political opponent.

Regarding the political future of Petro, Sergio Fajardo, defeated in the presidential elections of 2018, assures that the former mayor of Bogotá “He chickened out after having lived a great time in favor of the polls.”

Fajardo considers that after Colombians took it for granted that Gustavo Petro won the elections, currently “I see how they deflate, how things are going around their behavior and we are in this political confrontation “he added.

Likewise, the one being investigated today by the Attorney General’s Office for irregularities with the Hidroituango Project mentioned that Petro played “dirty” because:

“When you tell a lie about a person and repeat it, it is for me a dirty game, very dirty and designed,” said the former mayor of Medellín in dialogue with Semana.

The already well-known trills of the head of Human Colombia were also criticized by Fajardo, who recalled a certain “disrespect” that Petro had on Twitter and which today “is wreaking havoc” politically speaking: “the tweets when he talks about tax reform and says that taxing four thousand people solves this problem, or when he talks about the vaccine, or today’s confrontation, “ said Sergio Fajardo, referring to the fight that Petro had this Tuesday August 10 with the mayor Claudia López.

“It’s strange behavior that reveals the personality and the way to act, but he (Petro) has a clear and defined strategy and they do it perfectly but it gets out of the script and things like this happen that reveal what’s behind “, he stressed, while reproaching the senator for having compared it to uribism.

Regarding Petro’s comment in defense of his colleague Gustavo Bolívar for the controversy with actor Bruno Díaz, Fajardo said that “First Avianca must be saved, then Gustavo Bolívar criminalized, where does he draw this conclusion? expressed the former governor of Antioquia and misrepresented what was said by the head of Colombia Humana by saying that he does not see “Who criminalizes Bolivar”, he mentioned, letting it be known how he sees Petro as the country’s president.

“I cannot imagine it (in the presidency) and I have the conviction that the person who will lead Colombia will come out of the Coalition of Hope, because I do not spend my time imagining that”, he said. he declared to Semana.

In that same section, he hinted that Gustavo Petro has become polarized and that is why he called on Colombians to vote conscientiously in the upcoming presidential elections: “Colombia cannot be trapped between fear and anger and I believe in the issue of polarization is when you divide the world in two or are a friend or an enemy ”, He said.


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