Falls an Argentinean businessman who whipped them and tortured employees who made mistakes – 06/04/2019


Chile 's investigative police (PDI) confirmed Saturday on its Twitter account that Argentinian businessman Hugo Larrosa had been arrested, accused of torturing his employees and leaving his company. having badually abused workers in his food factory located in the country's capital. Country.

Commissioner Francisco Ceballos told reporters that the capture took place Friday in the city of Chicureo, Santiago de Chile. The order was made by the Colina Court, managed by the Office of the Prosecutor, for the crime of badual abuse.

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The crimes committed by Larrosa were exposed through a journalistic investigation presented this week on the national television of Chile, under the title of "The terror factory".

In the report, workers described the torture practices perpetrated against them by the company's owner, "Don Hugo", who he boasted of having belonged to the Argentine Federal Police.

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The beatings and other harbadment were recorded in videos that Larrosa asked other employees of the company to record.

According to testimonies given to the state channel, there are at least 500 cases of torture, including belt shots, bags and bads. In many of these videos, the victims were forced to undress and were even grogged. Larrosa arrived in Chile in 2000. The first videos date from 2012 and have been extended until 2016.

The videos of the tortures were delivered by one of the leaders who participated in these "games" in a Chilean court, in front of which the violent incidents were reported.

"I felt like a fool not to report Andrés Chadwick, Chilean Minister of the Interior, announced the release of a statement. complaint against Larrosa. "We deserve the deepest condemnation of the fact that a person, a worker, everywhere and in all circumstances, is treated with this violence, with this dehumanized attitude, with this way of degrading him as a person. It's really inexplicable and totally wrong, "he said.

For her part, Barbara Figueroa, president of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), also filed a lawsuit against the Argentine businessman for injuries and badault. "In this case, we are talking about abuses with the character of torture," he said.



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