False news from Bolivia that Clarín covered


The newspaper Clarin put a false news on the cover about a demonstration in favor of Evo Morales in the Bolivian capital of La Paz to get there as an appeal against him.

On Wednesday, supporters of the current president of Bolivia mobilized in the Plaza de San Francisco after the country's right attempt to force the vote by demonstrations and fire of public buildings, which has been qualified by the Plurinational Government. as a "coup d'etat".

"People took to the streets to protest against possible fraud", is the epigraph manipulated on the current situation of the neighboring nation entitled "Bolivia: doubts and suspicions ensue".

When he was missing to check 2.6% of the minutes and only 0.17% for Evo Morales to win the first round, the website that reported on the evolution of the 39, in-depth examination has been hacked The authorities were therefore forced to prevent access from foreign servers.

In the midst of the climate of violence installed by the main opposition candidateCarlos Mesa, and media complaints to cast doubt on the veracity of the result, the website – which reported the favorable evolution of the count to the current president – was affected by a hacking attempt that prevented for a certain time that information appears to be available from the outside

"Error 1020. Access denied." This website uses a security service to protect against online attacks, "says the verification page.


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