False news: The Venezuela Aid Live Bridge | Another m …


The picture is shocking. So impressive that he has held the cover of most major international newspapers. It shows a huge three-way bridge with two crossed levels and a trailer that, obviously, hinder the pbadage. The bridge is deserted and the titles accompanying the photo attempt to explain why: "The blockade was organized on 6 February by the government of Nicolás Maduro to prevent the arrival of humanitarian aid in his country" . This was reproduced by Clarín and, more or less, it was repeated around the world after it was announced that at one end of the bridge, called Las Tienditas, would be the stage of the festival promoted Venezuelan Aid Live .

The only problem is that on February 6, 2019, no bridge was blocked. The bridge is stuck since the day of its completion, early 2016. In other words, the bridge has never been open and three years ago it presented the same striking image of immensity abandoned.

Major international media have amplified the lies on the Las Tienditas bridge.

The story of Las Tienditas can be summarized in a few lines. Faced with a border collapsed by the intensity of traffic, Colombian Presidents Juan Manuel Santos and Hugo Chávez of Venezuela agreed on its construction at a time when relations between the two countries were not so bad. Work began in 2014 and twenty months later, they were completed. Or almost. Colombia has never built the corresponding customs facilities because it was already clear that the bridge would not be used. Relations between the two countries were no longer so good. Colombians say this by decision of Caracas. Venezuelans provide it by decision of Bogota. The same thing happens with funding. Colombians claim that he was paid half. Venezuelans argue that all the money has been put by them. What is out of the question is that Colombia has erected an impressive barrier in the middle of the bridge that has long prevented the pbadage. If you look closely at the photos that have become famous, you can see the bars in front of the containers.

The difference between the published and the reality is not innocent. Presenting the Venezuelan government by erecting walls on its border to prevent "humanitarian aid" reaching its citizens does not help to improve Nicolás Maduro's international image. load.

The map that indicates where the concerts took place.

Some unsuspecting might claim that these days, and especially those of Donald Trump, the walls between countries are not badly seen. But the news is not meant for Donald Trump. They are meant to convince citizens around the world, especially Americans and Latin Americans, that the offensive against the Venezuelan government is not for oil, coltan or gold, nor to chastise anyone who defies Washington's warrants, but for "humanitarian aid".

The image of the bridge was already installed in the story. Venezuela Aid Live has been broadcast around the world. The aim of the festival, funded by British magnate Richard Branson and his Colombian partner Bruno Ocampo, is "to obtain humanitarian aid to distribute to Venezuelans in need".

Branson does not hide the fact that the idea came at the request of Juan Guaidó, the president self-proclaimed by decision of the White House, nor that, coincidentally, the following day the recital is the one announced by Guaidó, according to the strict timetable set by Trump, enter Venezuela "humanitarian aid" sent by Washington. If it is possible by the good ones and it's not left over by the bad remedies. As the Venezuelan government has already announced that it was not allowed to enter "for good", all indications are that if the entry is made, it will be "for the bad".

It is very difficult to imagine a peaceful and humanitarian end to a festival called "peace" and "aid without political factions". Although they repeated, without becoming red, each of the musicians present.


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