"False news": to attack Norway through the Amazon, Bolsonaro shared a video from Denmark


With the video, the far right wanted to attack the Nordic country for whaling but shared a video of the dolphin hunt in the Faroe Islands of Denmark. Source: Archive – Credit: Capture

OSLO.- After the suspension of the badistance of
Norway to combat deforestation in the
Amazon in rejecting the president's environmental policy
Jair BolsonaroPresident
He again attacked the Nordic country and shared a fake video on social networks.

"Watch the slaughter of whales promoted by Norway," tweeted Bolsonaro Sunday night with a video with photos and a report that shows that the melancholic music shows a mbadive and brutal hunt of cetaceans crammed on a beach, with a blood-red coloring . the waters But the images are false: the video, supposed to be taken on May 29 in Norway, illustrates a scene from the well-known pilot dolphin tradition – the grindadráp – in the Faroe Islands, Danish territory of the North Atlantic.

– About 40% of the Amazon fund goes to … NGOs, refuges of the environment. Go to Matatan das Baleias sponsored by Norway.
pic.twitter.com/46hpQnHSJA& – Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
August 19, 2019

Although Norway is one of the few countries to allow whaling for commercial purposes, they are hunted individually at sea from a ship with an apón and not as shown in the video. "We can deny that the video and photos come from Norway," responded the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries in an e-mail addressed to AFP. "Our whale hunting is done from ships at sea," he added, calling the practice "environmentally sustainable".

Immediately, the users were outraged and criticized the Brazilian president. "Discover if you want to be respected"; "It's a" false news ", would say Trump"; "Misinformation is a crime, Mr. President," were some of the comments.

Jair Bolsonaro, at a congress in San Pablo, Brazil
Jair Bolsonaro, at a congress in San Pablo, Brazil Source: Archives – Credit: DPA

Amazon in danger

Last week, Norway announced the
blockade of 133 million reais – about 33 million dollars – to Brazil. The country was the main donor of the Amazon Fund and accused the president of "not wanting to stop deforestation" and to have "broken the agreement" unilaterally with the donors of the Fund, to whom
Oslo has given approximately $ 900 million since its inception in 2008.

The former soldier had already attacked
Germany, another country that was part of the Fund and Bolsonaro did not hesitate to go to the border post. "Norway is not the country that kills whales up there at the North Pole – it also exploits oil there – it's not an example for us at all." money and help us
Angela Merkel reforest Germany, "he said.

The governors of the Amazonian states of Brazil have criticized the Bolsonaro government. "The Amazon bloc regrets that the positions of the Brazilian government have resulted in the suspension of resources," said the governors of nine states in the region.

A study published yesterday indicates that the Amazon rainforest is in danger: in one year,
Forest fires hit a record 72,743 in Brazil. The President of Brazil has today accused non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of causing fires in the Amazon rainforest after the withdrawal of funding by the government, although it has not occurred. presented no evidence.

AFP and Reuters agencies



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