Family finds dog that disappeared from their home 11 years ago


The family, based in the English town of Sherborne, UK, had been devastated when Crumpet was lost. They flooded the neighborhood with posters offering a reward of 300 pounds who will find it. At the same time they went to the association of stray dogs, distributed brochures, called the microchip company for dogs and nothing, not a trace of the lost little dog.

“It was very unusual for Crumpet to run away, i have never done this before and i love my old bitch very much, who was kind of a mother to her, “he told British newspaper Mirror, adding:” It’s not normal that she ran away, but she was very kind and I probably wouldn’t have known if someone had broken into my house to take him away. “

El June 1211 years after the great loss, they received a call from an emergency vet who informed them that they found their dog on a golf course a few kilometers from home. “My reaction to the call was slightly incredulous, really,” Sarah explained, adding, “We weren’t even sure if we would recognize her after 11 years.”

“But of course As soon as we saw her she started waddling and wagging her tail and ran towards usThe owner added without hiding her joy, and said: ‘We thought if someone had taken her I hope they would have taken care of her, but that’s the saddest thing: they didn’t take care of her. I feel like they abandoned her. He’s had puppies and now he needs a lot of medical work, it doesn’t look like he’s ever been to the vet. “

Crumpette 2.jpg

His ears were severely infected, really ablaze with huge lumps in them. They operated on her on Monday and said she was completely deaf, my poor. If they’d taken her to the vet earlier, she sure wouldn’t be deaf now. I think they neglected her, it’s criminal that they left her ears like that because it has an easy solution. Now he’s going to have to be on steroids for the rest of his life, ”he reflected.

Beyond these avatars, Crumpet she is still the same bitch who with three months was sweet and kind with the family. That’s why Sarah is delighted to have been able to get it back, even if it was 11 years later, and proud to have microchipped it: “It’s a very good lesson for everyone: you need to chip your dog and keep the data up to date“.

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