Family scandal: he separated from his partner after having an affair with his stepfather


A woman left her childhood sweetheart after having a secret affair with her stepfather, a married man 36 years her senior. She assured that their families had disowned them, but that what had happened was worth it.

It is Mackenzie yocum, 25 years old, and Jeff Scholl, 61, from Illinois, United States. She admitted that she started to feel things for her stepfather when their own relationship had a rough time.

“I was really upset with what the relationship with his son meant and also because Jeff was on the verge of divorce,” Mackenzie said. (Photo: Instagram / jescholl)

Jeff, for his part, I was going through a divorce with your partner. The young woman was grateful that her stepfather comforts her in those times when she was not well with her boyfriend, but what no one expected that from there she began a new adventure.

Mackenzie, who had been in a relationship for six years, began to feel things for Jeff, and that’s how they began their relationship in secret. But after six months, they were discovered.

Today, Jeff’s son and one of his daughters, as well as his ex-wife, no longer have any relationship with the couple. Mackenzie’s brother has severed all kinds of ties as well.

“My only regret is that I wasn’t honest and started a relationship with Jeff before our previous relationship ended. We should both have been honest about our feelings and said we weren’t happy, ”said the young woman.

Jeff recently had another child: Wyatt, the result of his relationship with Mackenzie. (Photo: Instagram / jescholl)

“I was with your son for over six years, but Jeff was always very welcoming. I was really upset with what the relationship with his son meant and also because Jeff was on the verge of divorce, ”Mackenzie added.

The man, for his part, expressed that it’s really painful that “I no longer have a relationship with my son”. I hope that one day it can be amended. I really regret how things turned out. I feel like I never got a chance to explain why he never confronted me just cut the link», He concluded

Jeff, now divorced and a father of three, recently had another child: Wyatt, five months, the result of his relationship with Mackenzie.


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