Family tragedy: he recorded a video playing with his children, sent it to his cousin and committed suicide


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The woman who killed herself recorded a video for her children

Despite the fact that relatives knew she was having anxiety issues, they never thought she could make the terrible decision, according to Liverpool Echo.

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The woman who killed herself was suffering from anxiety

“It is very important that people talk about how they feel,” said the cousin of the woman who he committed suicide and he stressed that the solution is not to “push things back”, referring to the sadness he had inside.

Karl also pointed out that his cousin Jade was an “amazing mom” who spent “every minute” of the day with her children and always helping others when they needed it without asking for anything in return.

Faced with this unexpected tragedy, many around the young woman decided to create a GoFundMe page to raise funds to help Jade’s little children. “This is about raising funds for a beautiful soul who has struggled so hard through their own pain and sanity until they can no longer take it,” said organizer Madina Wady.
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Relatives of woman who killed herself seek fundraising

The woman also clarified that what is collected will be used to pay for health expenses and for some outings during her days off, “just to put a smile on their faces,” said the very moved organizer.

Source: the sun


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