Famous climber Sergi Mingote died falling from K2 mountain 8,000 meters above sea level


Spanish mountaineer Sergi Mingote died this Saturday during his expedition in the mountains K2 (8,611 meters) after suffering an accident in Pakistan. Mingote descended after reaching the top of the mountain which is part of the Himalayan system.

The 50-year-old Spaniard died after suffering a fall on his way down to base camp, Pakistan Mountaineering Club spokesman Karrar Haidri told EFE, which previously reported the accident in which, he said, Mingote broke. both legs.

The mountaineer’s death was also confirmed by Chhang Dawa, leader of the K2 winter expedition, who managed to dominate the second highest mountain in the world this Saturday for the first time. “Unfortunately, we lost Sergi. The best climber and a great friend, ”he wrote on Facebook.

Sergi Mingote has died at the age of 50 after a tragic accident in Pakistan.

Sergi Mingote has died at the age of 50 after a tragic accident in Pakistan.

Mingote arrived in Pakistan in December in an attempt to climb in winter K2, the only one of the 14 eight thousand not to have been passed in winterHim, something considered the last great challenge of mountaineering.

The Spaniard climbed without oxygen in K2 in the summer of 2018, a difficult experience that marked a turning point in his career. “Climbing K2 in winter is the last big challenge in mountaineering. Many think it’s impossible,” he said in an interview with Efe before taking on the challenge.

Elite mountaineer and ultra-endurance athlete climbed 10 eight thousand, including a double ascent to Everest on both sides.

He reached the “Roofs” of 5 continents and added more than 20 climbs to mountains over 6000 meters. Additionally, he completed crossings to the Gobi Deserts in Mongolia and Djanet in the Sahara, he swam across the Strait of Gibraltar and completed the Southern Patagonian Ice Crossing, among other accomplishments.

K2, also known as Chogori / Qogir, Ketu / Kechu, and Mount Godwin-Austen, is located in the Karakorum range in the Himalayan system. It is 8,611 meters high, the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest, and is considered the most complex climbing peak (along with Annapurna).

The pain of President Pedro Sánchez

The president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, lamented the death of Sergi Mingote and said of the Spanish mountaineer “that he wanted to continue writing history”.

“The sad death of Sergi Mingote at K2. He wanted to continue writing history by being part of the first expedition to crown this mountain in the middle of winter and a tragic accident ended his life. A huge hug for those close to this great athlete, “President Sánchez wrote on Twitter.

Spain’s Health Minister Salvador Illa also said he was “shocked” by the death of Mingote, whom he considered a “personal friend”.

“Dismayed at the news of the accident which ended the life of a magnificent athlete, former socialist mayor of Parets (Barcelona) and personal friend. A hug and all my affection to the family and friends of Sergi Mingote” , wrote the minister in his Twitter account.


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